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* Sequel to You Are My Hope *
The Cream Filling

>>"Life is like a Twinkie and girls are the sticky white stuff inside."

- Zac Hanson


// Disclaimer //

// Author's Note //

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

That's all folks...


It's been great, but I don't think I'll be writing anymore hanfic, aside from maybe a short story or two that won't have to do with this one, so please don't ask me for a sequel TCF. I'm all done...I don't read hanfic that much anymore except for a few stories here and there, and so I won't be writing my anymore of my own, it's too demanding and I'm too busy for it...I need to live my 15-year-old life.

If you want, you can email or IM me at, if you want to talk about my stories or Hanson or anything :)

Thank you to all of you that I met through hanfic; the Hanson community is truly a wonderful place.


The Cream Filling ©1998 All rights reserved
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If you like hanfic, you have GOT to join this newsletter, The Tulsa Report. It's ran by Arielle, who finds, reads, and reviews stories incredibly well and with much dedication. She's so sweet and I give her a lot of credit for my story's success because she gave it such wonderful reviews and support.
So join! Email to do it.

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