Angel Profile Character Profiles
Grace and Cait's Senior Year
Name:Angel Desmond
AGE:18 or 19?
OCCUPATIONHe used to work at his family's Auto Shop and the Riot now he works as a peer advisor at Stanford.
A BREIF HISTORY LESSONAngel and Tia's brother Ricky were friends and at first he and Tia did not get along than one day during an arguement they kissed. He and Tia have been going out ever since. Angel was really worried that he wouldn't have money to come see Tia when he went away. When he went to the track he thought that was an easy way to make money. Boy was he wrong he lost all his savings! With help from Tia, Conner and Andy he appiled for an RA postion he didn't get that but he did get a peer advisor postion which is sorta the same thing the only catch was that he had to leave as soon as possible. When he left he knew he loved Tia and that he would always love her.
WHO'S HE DATING?Tia they've been dating for four years! But They recently broke up so he's single!
WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM? Away at college Angel couldn't deal with misssing Tia so he ignored her many e-mail, calls, etc. Little did he suspect that Tia had cheated on him. Feeling guilty about ignoring her. He came to visit her. He found out about Tia cheating on him & he & Tia decided to take a break!

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