Ken Profile Character Profiles
Grace and Cait's Senior Year
Name:Ken Matthews
OCCUPATIONSecond String in SVH football team.
A BREIF HISTORY LESSONKen was Sweet valley big man his junior year. He met and fell in love with Olivia but when she died during the earthquake his world fell apart. He stopped caring about football and popularity he jsut wanted to be left alone. . . that is until Maria

Maria was the fisrt person who didn't look at Ken with pity. She encouraged him to go for the football team and she is always there when he needs her. Ken doesn't know what he feels he knows that what he feels for Maria is different than what he feels for anyone else but he doesn't want to betray Olivia's memory. . .
WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM? Ken asked Maria out on what he thought were dates but what she thought were just the two of them hanging out. After Maria found out they both felt reall awkward going to Cherie's party. When Maria saw Ken flirting with Cherir & than dancing with her she freaked out. She waked right up to him & than he asked her to dance. They did & he kissed her! They've been dating ever since!

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