Conner Profile Character Profiles
Grace and Cait's Senior Year
OCCUPATIONMusician. Conner plays guitar and sings really well. Recently he had his first gig at the House of Java. He also is in Creative Writing Class with Liz which means he writes really well
A BREIF HISTORY LESSONConner has been hiding the truth about his mothers drinking to everyone. Conner has had to shoulder the responsiblity alone. When Liz found out he freaked out and threw her out of his house.

He introduced Angel to gambling. He's been best friends with Tia since second grade.

Later his mom was in a car accident as a result of this Conner's mother was sent to rehab. When she left she called Conner's stepfather Gary to watch Meghan and him.

Conner always thought that Gary had married his mother for her money and he was really shocked when he found out that Gary had fought to keep Meghan just as Conner was going to make peace with Gary he overheard Gary on the phone telling his girlfriend that she was the most important thing to him. Conner doesn't want to let anyone in. He doesn't even talk to Tia about what bothers him. He has strong feelings for Liz but he is mad at her for finding out about his mother. He has trouble with trust.
WHO'S HE DATING?He is Dating Liz and couldn't be happier!
WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM? After asking Liz to talk to his siter Coner wanted to aviod Liz at all costs but when Jessica asked him to go pick up Liz at a party Fate stepped in. Liz was kinda drunk & she told Conner that she woul always be there for him. Conner realized how great Liz was & they've been together ever since! So I guess he doesn't have any problems...yet!

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