Tia Profile Character Profiles
Grace and Cait's Senior Year
Name:Tia Ramieriz
OCCUPATIONShe's head cheerleader at SVH.
A BREIF HISTORY LESSONTia wanted Angel from the first time she layed eyes on him but he was turned off by her aggressive nature. Soon however sparks flew and Tia and Angel becamea couple!

She and Conner have been bestfriends since second grade. Tia is the type of person to stand up for what she beileves in! Tia loves Angel. Before he left to Stanford hse wanted to make love with him. He refused and even though they later worked it out Tia is really worried that Angel will find some college girl and forget all about her! She's always had Angel but now that he is gone what will she do. . .
WHO'S SHE DATING?No one she just broke up with Angel Desmond.
WHAT'S HER PROBLEM? After feeling neglected by Angel. Tia cheated on him with Trent. When Angel finally foound out they decided to take a break. What was even harder for Tia though was that when she needed Conner the most he wasn't there for her. He was with Liz. Conner has never chosen a girl over her before so is her friendship with him over?

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