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Political views and social comment...

The White Australia Policy.
Multiculturalism v Free Speech?
Social Inequality in Australia.
Does Australia need a Bill of Rights?
The Nature of Politics.
A Road to Anarchy.
A Biblical opinion on temporal Government.

Lyrics I had to write...

Roach World Rule?

   Join Not F2B
where I hang out
Claudia Schiffer and David Copperfield - a Thunderbirds rip-off?
Roachworld front page.
Dr. Freud-Royce's interpretation.
International School of Buffoonery.
A message from a doctor of stupology.
An e-mail message. Which is the hoax? Which is The Real Neil?
Record of a real conversation in a chat room - with a duck!
It Ain't What You Do (puppet script) -
featuring Alma the Cow, Boris the Dog and Hughie the Surf Dude

Brooke & Leanne's Roach Museum (Curator: Murray, a small ape)
Now that it's dead, it's twice as famous - The ExWebSite.
Roomful of monkeys.
Copyright: Roachworld's policy.

Other web sites...

Murray the ape's travelogue.
Shemara's Art Gallery.

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