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Get A page!

So, you think that you're ready to get your own web-page. If you're planning on buying your own domain name, I highly suggest to think it over very carefully, before you get one. Please choose a catagory below for your web-page.


There are millions of places out there that offer FREE webspace. Most have ads on them (Like mine) but some don't. Some have a limit of memory you can have, and some don't. Out of all of these, you will have to choose the one for you. I have a fair bit of experience with the free hosts, having using angelfire, earthlink, aol, homestead, express, and geocities. I would have to say that HOMESTEaD is best for beginners, and has no ads on it, and angelfire is best for advanced people. With ads.

Guest Books

Here is a list of some cool places where you can get guestbooks.

Hit Counters

I don't know of very many places to get hit counters, but the one place I DO know is awesome! ICQ also has hit counters, but they apper on a banner, so you can's put the just anywhere


Cgis almost essential. Some web-page providors also have free cgi, but you can get more varity if you use cgi from many different places.

  1. EZ Board
  2. CGI Spy
  3. Cool Board
  4. Freed Back

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