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Here we will learn how to make pictures, how to put alt tags on them, how to change theit size, and all the rest.

Putting pictures on your page

Putting on alt tags

Changing pictures's Sizes

Putting Pictures on your page

To put a picture on your page is easy. You simply write:

<Img src="your image.gif"> That's all there is to it!!To the top

Putting on alt tags

Alt tags are super useful! They're excellent for people who don't have images enabled. Instead of just a little red X, a word of what the image is appears, so no one misses out. The code is:

<IMG src="Your image.gif" alt="The image name"> to the top

Changeing image sizes

to change an image's size, you would write:

<Img src="your image.gif" width="Your width" height="Your height">

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