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Fun stuff!

No, Really... This is REALLY fun.

MarqueesGo there

Colorful marqueesGo there

Up and down marqueesGo there

Image marqueesgo there

Bouncy marquees0


Stop!! Before you go on, you must know that marquees don't work on netscape. Netscape uses something called <Blink> BLINK!!!</Blink> Instead. whenever you make a web-page, be sure to include blink and marquees.

To make a Marquee you go like this: <Marquee> Scroll </Marquee> to make a blink, you go like this <Blink> Blink </Blink>

When you look at the demo, one thing won't work. That's ok... Because you may Have Netscape, or something else. If you have netscape, you may NOT want to look at the rest.

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Colorful Marquees!

To make a Marquee backgouund different, you simpley tupe this: <Marquee bgcolor="#000000"> A black Background </Marquee>

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Up and down....

To change the marquee's direction, there are many things to do.

A) Up/Down= <Marquee direction="Up"> Up!! </Marquee>


B) side <Marquee Direction="Right"> Right! </Marquee> Right

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Image Marquees:

What if you don't want words, but a picture??? Simple!! all you have to do is: <Marquee> <Img src="Link of image"> </Marquee> That's it!!

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Bouncy Marquees

To make a marquee bounce back and forth, you just write this <Marquee behavior="Alternete"> Bouncy!! </Marquee>

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