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The basics

HTML stands for Hyper Text markup language, and is the internet language. everything you see is mainly written with HTML. For example, this sentence really looks like this:

<p><Font face="comic sans MS">HTML stands for Hyper Text markup language, and is the internet language. everything you see is <i>mainly</i> written with HTML. For example, this sentence really looks like this:</p>

Now that you know that, you can start learning about HTML.


All html is written in a thing called "tags" tags are basically writing that is put in < Your code here> you also must end your code in a </your code here> otherwise, you're code won't take effect. why exactly is that? Here is the answer. Your internet browser does not see the same thing as you see. It sees code(Like the example above) when it sees the code it thinks like this:(If computers could think)

Ok, I need to change the color! Hmm but theres no ending of the color... I'll just keep the color the same, I guess.

There is your reason.

The main tags

1.<Html> - this tag explains to your browser that it should translate what it sees as Html</Html>

2.<Head> - The upper part of your document (I.E.the top of your window, what you should see right now is something that says Basics </Head>

3.<Title> The title is inside the head tag (<Html> <Title> Name of document here </Title> </head> </html>)</Title>

4.<Body> Your document. Here is where everything you see is written </Body>

There! Now, all the basics are covered! Pretty simple, huh?¿? (Don't worry, it gets eaiser as you go along)

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