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What is javascript? Basically, javascript is an extension to HTML. Here I have some codes that will make your page more interactive.

<input type="button" Value="Pop-up" style="font-family:yourfontname" style="background:Background color" ONCLICK="'Something.html', 'Sample', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=yes,width=500,height=500')">

What does that complicated code do? Well first of all, you have to replace the colors and urls, but what it will do is make a pop-up window. Here is one:

That's not the only code I have, though!!

<form><input type="button" value="click here" onClick='alert("Your message here")'></form>

This will make an alert show up if you click on the butten.. like this!!

Yes, there are more:

1. This makes a background prompt on click of a butten. The script: in body tag. <Form><INPUT TYPE="button" name="sixth" VALUE="Change background" style="font-family:comic sans ms" onclick="var bg=prompt('Pick a color');document.bgColor=bg"style="background:bg"></form>

2.this asks for your name, and favorite color. The script: the body tag <script language="javascript"> var name = prompt("Write your name below:","Write it here."); alert("Welcome "+ name +" to my page!!!"); var age= prompt("Write your age below:","Write it here."); alert("Your age is "+ age +" great!"); </script> Sorry no example

3.this is the same, but slightly different The script: body tag <script language="javascript"> var name = prompt("Write your name below","Write it here."); var age = prompt("Write your age below:","Age here") alert("Welcome "+ name +" to my page!!! I think the age "+ age +" is great!!"); </script> sorry no example

4. This is a link, you click on it and it says goodbye etc then you go to the place of the link. The script: in the body <a href="Your URL"onclick="alert('goodbye have fun at The page')">Put your own words here</a> <a href="Your URL"onclick="alert('goodbye have fun at The other page')">Put your own words here</a> Put your own words here Put your own words here

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There's lots of stuff that you can't do without!! Here I have a couple (Or none, as I just started this page) But as you're here, looking for awesome downloads... of which I have none, I might as well tell you how to put downloads on your own page!! It's really simple. First, you have to upload whatever you want for download to your webshell, or whatever you call it, then, you simply write:

<A HREF="Your download">Click here for a cool downlad</a>

This would basically look like this:

Down load this

I highly suggest not downloading it, though, because all it is is a off-line html guide.

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Yes!! I now have how to use frames up and running!! Below I have some instructions where you don't have to know frames to make them... If you want to LEARN frames... click Here

Ok, first you have to know that If you want to make a link out of your page you must target your link like this:

<A HREF="Your link here" target="_blank">Your link title</a>Or, you can type this:<A HREF="Your link here" target="_top">Your link name</a>

All right!! Now, if you want frames follow my instructions...

Ok, first you have to make a place called index.html. Next, copy this code into it.

Next, make a place called mainpage.html. This page Is the main page (Duh) so you will have most of your text on it. If you don't understand, here's a picture:

Frame picture

After that, you will make a place called framepage.html. In here, you will have all your links. Please note: If you have links, you MUST type this in, unless is's to a different site.

<A HREF="Your URL" target="Rightside">Go here</a>If you don't see what I mean, you must have the target="Rightside", because that tells the browser that the link should open on the mainpage, not the framepage.

Now that you know the basic frames, what if you don't want frames looking like the picture above, but frames where the frampage is above the mainpage? Then in the index.html page you youd put this instead:

This would look like this picture

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Image mapping

What if you want to make an image map? An image map is where different parts of the same picture takes you to different places. I am not sure how to explain how, so a link to an image map guide is Here

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