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The next scheduled monthly meeting of the Council will be at 12:15 p.m., Tuesday, December 4, 2001. As usual the venue will be at the Plaza Hotel Restaurant, 3253 N. Nimitz Highway, Honolulu. This will be the last meeting for this current year and all society representatives are asked to be present since a number of important matters will be taken up. Those who are unable to attend are requested to see to it that an alternate representative be asked to be present. Lunch will precede the meeting.


Pursuant to Section 5.4 of the HCES Constitution, the election of new Council officers shall be held during the January (2002) meeting. The officers of the HCES consist of only 4 officers - the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. They serve for a period of one year commencing on the first day of March and ending on the last day of February of the following year. These officers are elected by the representatives of the member societies. The Constitution also requires that the slate of new officers shall be determined prior to the election. During the Council meeting last November 6, Juny La Putt, the FALEA representative, suggested that Ather Dar be nominated as Chairman of the Council to allow him to serve a full term. It was also suggested by Manny Lanuevo, the HSPE representative, that Joanna Seto be nominated as the Vice-Chair. She currently is the HCES Secretary. No names were mentioned for the position of Secretary and Treasurer although it is hoped that Mike Balderston would still be willing to serve as the Treasurer. Mike has been doing a great job as the current Treasurer and it is hope that he would still be willing to serve the HCES in this capacity.


The Engineers' Week Banquet is scheduled on Friday, 22 February 2002 and the selected venue is the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. Joanna Seto, the HCES secretary who has been designated to coordinate this activity, reported in the October meeting of the Council that a contract has already been signed with the hotel and that a deposit of $1,000 has also been paid. The charge per person has been set at $34 provided it is paid on or before 15 February 2002. After this deadline, an additional charge of $5 will be added. The discounted rate of $34 is given to encourage those who intend to attend the banquet to confirm their attendance much earlier. This will allow the banquet committee to finalize ahead of schedule all preparations for the affair. In the previous annual banquets, it has been observed that the final attendance count was only determined on the day of the affair. This somehow created a problem for providing additional seating when there were more people who decided to attend the scheduled function ... and when the attendance turned out to be lower than expected, the Council had to shoulder the cost of extra seating that had been reserved for. The registration coupon for the Engineers' Week Banquet will be published in the December 2001 issue of the Wiliki O Hawaii and could also be downloaded now from this Website.

Download the Engineers' Week Banquet Reservation Form


The HCES and the HSPE recently announced that nominations for annual awards to be given out during the observance of Engineers' Week this coming February are now being received. The following are the four award categories:

  • HCES Lifetime Achievement
  • Engineer Of The Year
  • Young Engineer Of The Year
  • Student Engineer Of The Year

These awards are intended to give due recognition to the outstanding accomplishments, contributions, and achievements of individuals in the different specialized fields of engineering. The HCES Lifetime Achievement Award is the most prestigious of the four awards and is given to a professional engineer who has retired within the last four years. The recipient of the Engineer Of The Year award is selected from among current senior practicing professional engineers who are 35 years of age or older. The Young Engineer Of The Year award also recognizes professional engineers but who are less than 35 years of age. The Student Engineer Of The Year is selected from among senior engineering students currently enrolled in the University of Hawaii.

Nominations for the HCES Lifetime Achievement Award should be received not later than December 31, 2001. Nominations may be submitted to the HCES chairman during the monthly meeting of the Council or mailed to: P.O. Box 2873, Honolulu, Hawaii 96802. The deadline for submitting nominations for the other 3 categories is on January 25, 2002 and should be addressed to: HSPE, 400 Rogers Blvd, Suite 700, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 (Attn: Manuel Lanuevo).


Jim Bersson, the SAME representative and committee chair for the 2002 Engineers' Week Kick-off Luncheon, reported that the event is scheduled on Tuesday, February 19, 2002. Jim further added that an alternate site is being considered in case of security problems that might come up at the Hale Koa Hotel in Waikiki which has been the usual venue for the kick-off luncheon. Honolulu Mayor Jeremy Harris has been asked to be the speaker although this has not as yet been confirmed. An announcement will be made to the HCES Mailing List as soon as things are firmed up.


Informal discussions have recently been made regarding the need for an HCES logo. It has been observed that since the founding of the HCES sometime in the mid-60s, no one has as yet came up with a logo suitable for representing the Council. Just recently when the newly revised Website of the HCES was created by WebMaster Juny La Putt, he was unable to portray the needed HCES logo. Consultations were made by Juny with Amarjit Singh and Tep Dobry of the College of Engineering, University of Hawaii regarding this matter. It was suggested that a contest be set up to allow engineering and architecture students of the university to submit their designs for the needed HCES logo. A contest prize of $200 was also suggested to encourage better participation. This matter will be formally presented to the Council during the December meeting.


Plans are now being worked out for the printing of the 2002 Engineers' Week Souvenir Program which will be distributed during the Banquet on February 22nd. Assurance has already been given by Tom Fraser of the Hawaii Blueprint and Supply Company (HBSC) that his company will print free of charge 200 copies of the program. The committee that has been tasked to prepare the souvenir program will prepare the camera-ready pages for submission to Tom Fraser. The final draft for the souvenir program is now being planned out and will be made ready for submission to HBSC on or before 8 February 2002.

During the November meeting of the Council, it was also agreed that advertisements will be incorporated in the souvenir program. The amount that will be generated from these advertisements will help offset the expected expenses that will be incurred during Engineers' Week. It was suggested that the cost for a full-page ad (8.5"x11") and a half-page ad will be $200 and $125, respectively. It is hoped that the member societies will help out in soliciting these advertisements. An advertising contract will soon be distributed to the representatives of the member societies. Hopefully, the contract will be portrayed in the next issue of the Wiliki and a copy will also soon be available for downloading from the HCES Website. For further details send an email to

* Date Updated: November 17, 2001