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"Playground Development Project for University of Maryland, Baltimore County Day Care"

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The Sponsor Interview

Project: Playground Development Project

Customer: Child Care Center of UMBC

Contact: Mrs. Susanna Twigg

Phone Number: (410) 455-xxxx

Date: Thursday, February 21, 2002

Time: 4:30 pm

Source: Telephone Conversation and Site Visit

Interviewer: Nicholas Mazarakis

(Note: Survey questions are in bold, responses are in italics.)

1. How many children will be using the playground at any one time?

There are presently 42 children that use the playground, but it has the capacity to serve as many as 62 children.

2. What is their age distribution?

2 – 5 years of age.

3. What special needs or disabilities should be considered?

None of the children presently have any disabilities worth mentioning, but you should take into consideration that there might be children in wheelchairs.

4. Are there any local codes or requirements that must be considered?

None, that I can recall, other than that we are licensed by the Child Care Administration. I will look into it though to see if there are any local codes that should be considered.

5. What existing equipment is to be retained?

* (Mrs. Twigg did not answer this question but I will go check out the playground and get back to everyone on this point.)

A. Has the equipment to be retained been audited to current standards and guidelines?

I’m not sure about that, but I do know that the equipment is not older than 8 years.

B. Will this equipment be updated and remain on the playground?

I don’t believe it needs to be updated; all it might need a some additions to it.

6. What are the approximate dimensions and shape of the play area?

It’s about the size of a soccer field. (About 50 feet wide?)

7. Please prioritize the following criteria for a playground according to level of importance: Safety, Warranty, Environmental Responsibility, and Cost.

A. Safety

B. Environmental Responsibility

C. Cost

D. Warranty

Additional information gathered by a site visit

8. The playground materials were mainly composed of treated lumber from which children could easily pick up splinters during recreation.

9. One part of the playground area contained two pyramid shaped houses or, shelters with several pathways leading to them, plus two plastic yellow slides (one smaller than the other).

10. The playground area had a sandbox with a treated wooden roof above it.

11. The play area had 4 metal chin-up bars of various heights.

12. There were two short end tubes on the site that children could go through or play in.

13. On the site there were two picnic tables which were constructed of treated wood.

14. There was a small swing set with two seats on the site.

Note: When Nicholas Mazarakis visited the site, he observed that the described area did not appear to be as large as a soccer field, as was stated by Ms. Twigg in the telephone interview which Nick conducted on Thursday, February 21, 2002.

Child Care Center of UMBC

Playground at the Child Care Center of UMBC

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The Integral Worm • Christopher Paul • Independent Senior Technical Writer/Editor

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