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Zelda Gamecube
Oracle Series
Majora's Mask
Zelda 64

Previous Updates
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Fan Art

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Gcn Countdown

11/17/04: Is this... an update? hmmm... I suppose it is. After more than two years on hiatus, for no particular reason, I've decided to update. I'm thinking about updating every once and awhile, fixing up the site here and there. There's a lot of cleaning up to do and I also hope to add some content on Wind Waker and also the upcoming Zelda title for GameCube (It looks to be amazing!). So that's about it, I'm glad to see that people have enjoyed the site and kept coming even while it was on hiatus. Thanks to all, and enjoy!

2/25/02: I'm back with a few things to add to the site. First of all, we have a new affiliate, Hylian Hero, so make sure you check them out when your done here. Also, we have six new fanart submissions, all by Stephanie R., and they are really good so check them out. That's all for now since there is not much news on the Zelda front.

2/19/02: I've done a whole bunch of fix ups and adding throughout the site. First off, I added a news story on Miyamoto's comments at a European press event. In it he states that Zelda will stick with the cellshaded style, and will be playable at E3. I also edited the release dates page since it was outdated, and made some touch-ups on the Zelda GameCube section. I'll probably be back to update also since it is february vacation and I have more time.

2/16/02: Our Fanart Section is slowly growing larger! We now have 30 fan art submissions, thanks to 7 new works by Dark Link. Check them out, cause they are really good. I've also been making some touch-ups on the site in the Majora's Mask section, so look for those.

2/11/02: Hey, I'm back with a new update! We now have another affiliate, please visit Zelda Versus when your done here. Also, I joined a new topsite list. That's all for now, but I am still in the process of renovating the site and trying to make it better. This will probably continue until I can get some new info on Zelda Cubed.

2/3/02: Whats this? A new update? I know its been awhile but I have been very busy, so I decided to do one big update over the course of the weekend. I fixed the Majora's Mask Masks page, and added a lot to it. I also fixed the Majora's Mask Storyline page, both in efforts to renovate the site and make it better. I also added six more wallpapers, and joined a new topsite list. I'll probably start updating more often if I can find the time.

1/10/02: We now have 23 works of fanart! Check out the Fanart Gallery, to see 3 new submissions by Ambrosia, and 1 new submission by Michelle Nunez. They are quite good so I suggest you check them out. This may be my last update until finals are over (finals start next week) but I'll try to fit something in if I have the time, or if anything huge comes up.

1/7/02: We have a new affiliate! Please visit, the Forest Sages when your done here. It is a excellent site. For other updates, I am still working on the run-through of the site. I probably wont post everything I do, so if there's no update written, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not updating. I've been going through some of the Majora's Mask sections and wow, they need revision. So I'll be working on that. That's all for now.

1/1/02: Happy New Year! I managed to find some time for updates. I added a new fanfiction, its tentatively titled "Zelda Gaiden". Its great so far so give it a read. I also fixed the Zelda Elite Network and made it a whole lot better. So join if you have a good site. Thats all for now, and if your wondering, I got GameCube, and its great.

12/22/01: Christmas is only 3 days away! I'm hoping to get a GameCube but where I am most are sold out and hard to find. Anyway, I did a lot of fixing with the topsites and affiliates correcting urls and such. Hopefully I will have more time, now that it is Christmas break, to update the site and make renovations. Hope everyone has a happy holiday season!

12/13/01: Ok, so it's been awhile since I last wrote an update. The truth is, I've been working behind the scenes. It took me a very long time but I finally fixed up and cleaned out the Update Archives. I also renovated the Majora's Mask Screenshot Galleries. I am planning a run-through of the site to fix on past mistakes and to improve and add more information to the site. So you'll most likely see improvements and added information to older sections of the site. I've already worked on and renovated the Zelda 64 Screenshots, and Majora's Mask Screenshots. I'm also planning to add even more screenshots to the Majora's Mask section. So the updates will continue on as I try to improve on this site.

11/23/01: Although it may seem like i haven't updated in awhile, I've been working very hard on the site. I replaced all the sidebar title buttons with new, updated ones. I am also working on fixing up the screenshot galleries and making them more accessable. I already finished the Zelda 64 screenshot galleries and will move on to Majora's Mask. On a different subject, the Nintendo GameCube console is now out! I did not get one but am hoping to get one for christmas. Anyway, enjoy the site!

11/11/01: Hey! We have another new affiliate, Zelda Domain. It is an excellent site you should go and check it out when your done here. On another note, only one week before GameCube's release! Even though I'm not getting it for launch, I want to read the reviews and such. We'll have to see how it goes.

11/8/01: Sorry once again for the lack of updates. I've been playing Chrono Cross, which is a great game but not as great as Zelda, for the first time and it is fantastic. If you have a playstation and like rpgs, Chrono Cross is one of the best. Anyway, with that aside, I do have an update! I made an article on the Zelda GameCube Control Scheme. No, its not the real thing, I just took a stab at what the control might be. It's kinda interesting, so go check it out. There still hasn't been much Zelda news, but if there is any, I'll keep you posted. I'll try to find more things to update in the near future. Anyway, enjoy the site.

10/31/01: Hey! Two new affiliates were added today. Make sure to check out Zelda 9, and Shadows of Hyrule. Both are very good sites. Also, I am working on a new article for the site (its been so long), because I now have more free time due to the fact that cross country has ended. So stay tuned for more updates.

10/25/01: Sorry for the lack of updates. There hasn't been a whole lot of Zelda news, and I've been swamped with schoolwork and sports. Anyway, we have a new affiliate Zelda GameCube. This site is well done. It focuses, in detail, on Zelda GameCube and is working on the other Zelda Games as well. Check it our after your done here. That's all for now, cross country is almost over so I will hopefully have more time for updates.

10/14/01: I've been doing a few things around the site the past couple of days. First of all I'd like to welcome an old affiliate of ours back, City of Clocktown. If you haven't already seen them give them a look. I also fixed the Release Dates page which was very outdated, as well as the GameCube Countdown page(November 18, 2001 is US launch). So check those out. You'll also notice that our "enter" screen on the index page is new. More updates to come.

10/7/01: I just added more fanarts to the Fanart Section so you should take a look at that. There is one new submision from "Lazarus" of Link fighting Ganon. I also had another submision, in color this time! I also made my previous fanarts darker because they were originally done very lightly so now they have much more clarity. Anyway, check out the fanart section, thats all for today.

10/3/01: I posted an editorial on my opinions of the change in graphics for Zelda Cube. Check it out if you don't mind an insightful read on Zelda Cube. This editorials sums up my opinion, as of now, of Zelda GameCube. Anyway, check it out. Enjoy!

If you have any questions, comments, or other information about Zelda, e-mail me at All updates made by The Hylian Cavern Webmaster.

The Dungeon
Zelda Flaw

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The Zelda Elite Network

All material in this site created by me belongs to The Hylian Cavern.
All other material belongs to its respective owners.
The Cavern - 2000 - 2002