XC Dictionary

  5k n. : distance of 5,000 meters or 3.1 miles
  10k n. : distance of 10,000 meters or 6.2 miles
  20 milers n. : runs ran mainly during the summer months that are approximately 20 miles long
  Adaptationn. : learning to adjust to something, such as your surroundings. Adapation is key of life, as well as in XC races.
  Amber Sayer n. : a very fast, female runner from Amherst
  bloody nipples n. : a condition caused by long hot runs in which sweat and chafing rub nipples raw
  Brown Grip n. : a lethal grip known only to those with the brown bear gene. Performed by gripping one's body part so they cannot let go
  brotha n. : usually an African-American person who thinks they're tough
  bus drivern. : a person who transports XCers to away meets (particularly of the yellow school genus) - in most, but not all cases, a miserable person who spends more time searching for reasons to bitch than actually watching the road. (enemy of XC)
  businessn. : it's nothing person but rather what everything just is.
  chub rub n. : chafing caused by fat thighs rubbing together
  COACH n. : An athletic coach at AHS.
  Course, The n. : the 3.1 mile route in Robinson State Park where home meets are held
  cross training n. : training strategy which uses other forms of aerobic exercise such as swimming, cycling, cross country skiing
  DeFilippi, Miken. : A runner at Agawam High School who has become a legend after many years of hard work and dedication. He is known for his strange antics. He is also a future Town Councilor of Agawam. He created XC in Agawam, and has become a role model to all that have known him.
  DFL acronym. : dead f'n' last
  Dillon, Coach n. : The one who revitalized Agawam Cross Country. Formerly coached at West Springfield and South Hadley. He graduated from Cathedral High School and ran at Westfield State. He ran his personal best mile of 4:15 in his collegiate last race. He's mostly known for his hard workouts and his inspiring quotes. His running is limited now because he suffers with foot problems. He is more then a coach to many of us.
  dirty dozen n. : A set of 12 - 400 meter intervals
  DNF acronym. : did not finish
  DNS acronym. : did not start
  energy gelsn. : (i.e. carbo gels) rather expensive commercially prepared semi-liquid carbohydrate snack packaged in single serving pouches, used as a supplement by cyclists and long distance runners during long periods of exercise. Designer product made to provide an energy boost without the inconvenience of chewing.
  fartlek n. : Finnish word meaning speedplay, in which one runs irregular distances at varying speeds interspersed with jogging intervals
  fast twitch n. : muscle fibers that determine if a runner is suited to sprints
  flats n. : non-spiked shoes
  GSHacronym : The Greater Springfield Harriers running club. They own Fast Feet in West Springfield. They do a lot for the running community and hold the 4th of July 5K, Summer Sizzlers and Snowstorm Classics.
  HCC n. : Holyoke Community College, one of two school that Agawam guidance councilors send students. Also the former location of Holyoke's home track.
  hit the wall vb. : to hit the wall; 1. a sudden bonk in which you die so suddenly it is as if you ran into a wall 2. a point in training where progression seems impossible
  intervals n. : system of training using repeated short distances at greater than or near race pace
  jack rabbit n. : taking off fast from the start
  jobbern. : Derived from Professional Wrestling. It's a term used for someone who always loses, or does the job.
  kick n. : sudden surge at the end of a race that takes you over the line
  Krach, Naten. : Very smart 2002 XC runner. The man responsible for this website. Student at WPI.
  LSD acronym. : long slow distances
  movie theatre runn. : (i.e. Cinemas Run) an 18 mile route run by some of the boys over the summer
  mall runn. : (i.e. Holyoke Run) an 18 mile route ran by some of the boys for a summer as a cross country work out, very long run through West Springfield and up the hill in Holyoke.
  negative splits n. : running the last half of a race faster than the first half
  Owen Washburn n. : the D1 state champion from Amherst.
  Pitts n. : the D2 state champ from southwick; also a nickname given to Drew Wynne for their striking resemblance
  Popolo n. : mysterious creature that lives on Provin Mountain, said to be 9 feet tall and be very dangerous. Originally spelled Popolo; currupted to Popelo by XCers for a while before it was restored to the original spelling.
  Popolo Effect, Then. : a rejuvenating effect caused by running up and down Provin Mountain; some say that runners are charged by the Popelo's spirit energy.
  Provin Mountain n. : very challenging 6/10 of a mile hill that is occasionally used for hill workouts; home of the Popolo.
  Provin Rivern. : A magical stream that appears on Provin Mountain during especially heavy rain storms... more infomation needed....
  Prycen. : An Agawam Hall of Famer. Has devoted a lot of energy to the track program. Very straight forward guy and intelligent. You never see The Rock and Coach Pryce in the same place.
  rabbit n. : a runner who pushes the field to a better time then drops out of the race before the final laps
  raccoon n. : a masked bandit animal, very large, tends to have rabies. Likes to walk around parks in Holyoke, and likes to scare runners on their XC course, by jumping out at them and hissing.
  slob n. : an over weight person who could never run over one mile without dying
  slow twitch n. : muscle fibers that determine if a runner is suited to distance running
  Smith College n. : Home of All Comers Indoor Track Meets
  snap vb. : to snap; to go crazy
  splits n. : the time to a given point in a race
  STCCacronym. : Springfield Technical Community College, one of the two schools Agawam High guidance councilors suggest you attend for college.
  stretch n. : not just something done to warm up
  stride n. : the distance traveled in a single long step
  sweats n. : sloppy, loose fitting cotton clothing which absorbs moisture and gets very heavy when wet
  tempo run n. : usually a two to five mile run at 80 - 90% effort
  thrower n. : (see slob)
  toyvb. : to toy; dominate, to make a fool of
  VO2max n. : maximum oxygen intake