It's True 8/23/12

by Kevin Urban

I'm not quite sure what qualifications you need to write one of these things, I don't know if its just to be a Senior or what, but here it goes.

The first practice of the 2012 season was today, and as per usual, the orange cards were a bit of a problem but definitely not as bad as last year. By the time school begins, the roster should once again be 100%.

Agawam enters the season projected seventh in WMass according to, however considering these predictions are based solely on PVIAC and WMass from last year, and also the fact that they mistook Mikie for a graduated senior, this little projection couldn't be further from the truth.

I don't like to make predictions, but I think its safe to say Agawam boasts one of the best 1-2 combinations in WMass in seniors Mike Andre and Ben Parzich. Both are seasoned runners who are sub 18 runners on our course and sub 17 runners on any other course. Especially with Ben coming off the most impressive summer training I've ever seen. Andre should have the course record in his grasp, and perhaps maybe the first person ever to run sub 17 on our home course, and further cement himself as one of the best runners Agawam has ever seen.

Our 3-7 spots, as usual, are interchangeable. I myself have number 3 at the moment, but by the time October rolls around, who knows what will happen because that's the time when everyone gets on absolute roll. Returners Dom Groux, Jeremy Kapinos, Pat Rieker, Mike O Connor, Dennis Reardon, Weston Asselin, and Erek Brown are all perennial WMass runners. However, all of us need to close the 2 min gap that exists between the lower seven and our top two. If we could do that, well then, who knows what we could accomplish.

It's still early in the season (first day), and the team is looking well. The archive section will be updated after every meet with results (anywhere from the top 10-15) and a synopsis detailing what happened. The girls will be to. This is shaping up to be a great season, and hopefully we can end our senior year with a huge BANG! Good luck y'all, It's true.

It's True 3/13/11

by Tyler Roberts

Well, another season of cross country has come and gone, and sadly the last one for me. But hey, can't be too upset with the way we went out! 3 (almost 4) guys breaking 17 is a pretty rare occurrence around here. We surely didn't do as well as expected in Wmass, but with returners Mikie Andre and BParz leading the team, there's no telling how far our team could go next year, especially being backed up by Kevin Urban, Jeremy Kapinos, and several other rising prospects like Weston Asselin (5:29 mile, :58 400 as a freshman in indoor??? Only good things can come from that).

It's pretty unlikely that we'll see a repeat of the talent we saw this year, but success isn't out of reach seeing as teams like Amherst, Holyoke, and Hamp are losing so many of their seemingly 20 year old running prodigy seniors. We should have 2 spots in states pretty easily secured, but if some of these slackers are willing to work hard enough from now until september, that could definitely be 3 or 4 XCers representing agxc at the state meet. I know Ben is aiming for at least 70mpw, and hopefully everyone else is looking towards 40-60 to go into the season prepared for once.

Of course I cant forget Pat Rieker, a soon to be Junior. He's had some trouble improving lately but with a smart summer of training, he has a lot of potential to be a top runner in the next 2 years.

As for Outdoor, anything could happen. With a new bunch of throwers and sprinters signed up, who knows how much success we're going to have if they stick with it. Our distance team should continue to dominate (if my knees don't stop being pussies, for lack of a better word) We should see some school records in the 4x8, 4xmile relay, 800?, and hey, can't rule out the pole vault for yours truly.

So as for my second, and final departure from here, I wish you guys good luck. Get some revenge for what was supposed to be one of our best teams of the decade last year. I'm off to Westfield State xc, but I'll always, and I'm sure you all will too, be a part of AGXC. Long live the Popolo and kick some ass this year boys. It's True.

It's True 8/25/11

by Tyler Roberts

It's been a few years since this has been updated. We had our first day of regular season practice today. I have to say the numbers were a little disappointing for the guys, although we should see a pretty large rise in the number as soon as everyone gets their medical papers signed.

The tornado damage on the course finally got cleaned at the beginning of this month, though a rare Hurricane Irene is supposed to hit us as a Cat. 1 with winds nearing 90mph in 2-3 days, so downed trees are likely unfortunately.

The talent being shown this season is unbelievable. Some of the best since the 2004 xc era. I'm especially impressed by the improvements of Kevin Urban, Ben Parzich, and Pat Rieker over the summer. Freshmen Weston Asselin is also looking promising. At the Stanley Park race this monday, Kevin Urban came through with an 18:51, Ben Parzich with a 17:41, Rieker with a 20:31, and myself with a 17:42. The past couple of years have shown and average of 1 minute improvement from late august stanley 3 miles to PVIAC 3.1 races., which is actually closer to 2 minutes in improvement with the .1 added. If this trend continues, Western Mass better watch out because Agawam the underdogs are gonna surprise everybody and take this one by storm.

Mike Andre, Ben Parzich, Ricky Schoolcraft, and myself are all potential sub 17 runners by the end of this season, which could surely lead Agawam to a top 5 Wmass finish and a few Agawam reps in the state meet at Franklin Park, Boston. Those 4 spots are pretty secured leaving 5,6,7 open for grabs, most likely between returners Kevin Urban, Pat Rieker, Mike O'connor, Dom Groux, Chad Joyal, and Dennis Reardon.

I'm not the only one hyped for this season. "I'm really excited for this years team. I'm already seeing strong leadership from many of the upperclassmen as well as a lot of talent and improvement and it's the first day" said coach Dillon. We only have 14 days of training left before our early meet against Westfield and Minnechaug, possibly the most important regular season meet this season. With Chaug losing 2 of their top runners, we should have them pretty easy. We might need a little luck on our side to beat Westfield, as they pretty much have 1st place with Blake Croteau, 2nd-7th place will be a battle to remember, and that luck just might come with racing them at home. If we can come out with wins against them and Holyoke, another tough race(not as bad as westfield) we could have a solid 9-1 season and first place in our division. (Amherst is a sure loss, we're still going to surprise the hell out of them though and possibly take a few of the top 7 spots)

As we lose 2 of our top 4 and 16-17 minute runners this year, replacements will be tough to find, so this could be AGXC's last chance to make some noise as a team. Good luck to everyone this season, It's true.

It's True 9/05/06

by Bryan Roy

Agawam Cross Country is BACK!

And boy are we back and stronger than ever. Just look at the numbers. A dirty dozen of freshman? That's so dirty its clean.

I'm real excited about the freshman class. Two big names that should have an immediate impact are Justin Wright and Ron. But don't forget Austin Roberts and Justin Dion. And with the work ethic that Dave Olbrych and Mike Copeland, this freshman class has the potential to be one of the best in Western Mass (maybe even the entire Commonwealth.

Sure the class of 2010 is obviously one of the big stories of the year, but could the possible emergency of Mike Andrews as a top five Western Mass runner overtake the headlines? That's right. Captain Andrews has been training his ass off all summer, along with the lone Agawam rep at the NEPXC running camp.

The depth continues with Captain Tom Goodrow, Captain Josh Dion, and junior Justin Timmons in the 2-3-4 spots. Watch out for Brandon Learned (currently battling a case of bad knees) and the dirty dozen pack of freshman to round out the rest of the top 10.

As for this year's early schedule, the Brownies open up at Amherst next Monday, and return later in the week for the Amherst Invitational.

Dillon has high hopes for this year's team. He hopes to see Andrews return to the Mass. Championship in ROXBURY along with a few others such as Dion, Goodrow, or Timmons.

This year, the numbers still don't compare to the Amhersts and Ludlows. But our record wont show the depth in the freshman class. If they stick together, they'll earn the title of the best cross country squad to wear the orange and brown, and a clear favor to win the 2010 Western Mass Championship. The 2010 Dream Team. Keep working hard kids.

It's True 5/30/05

by Zach Matys

i've been in the process of updating the website and i realized that nobody has written one in along time and seeing i'm a new captain i might as well give it a try. the website is starting to get updated, slowly but its getting there, with the help of lane and a few other people who really know what their doing.

i have a feeling that this summer is going to be fun. the training is going to be really hard, i know jay is going for like 70 miles a week and i will be going for at least 55, not everybody has to go that many miles but the top guys should be at least over 40 miles a week. we need a lot of guys to step up, right now our projected top five is Jay, Mike, Me, Justin, and Goodrow. that leaves the 6 and 7 spots completly wide open. we need josh, gregg, frank, and eric and abraham to step up and compete for those spots. if you guys up the mileage a big jump cant be that far away.

we also need to start recruiting more people. right now this looks to be the smallest team since my freshman year. that means if any of us goes down with an injury that can really screw a season up. just try and get anybody you know that doesnt do a fall sport, doesnt even matter if they can run, we can make them into runners.

in other news what is up with the freakin Red Sox, they are playing exactly the way they were playing last year before they traded Nomar. i think Bellhorn and Millar hafta go and move Bill Mueller to second and let Youkalis play everday at 3rd. alright thats enough complaing about the sox, anyways they won a championship which automatically means there is a 5 year grace period before you can offical complain about a teams peformance.

Back to our XC team, i think that this team is going to be better then this year and going to continue in the rebirth of the XC team, i want to bring this team back to the heights that it was at during the mid 1980s including two league championships in 1983 and 1986. i think we can do this, especially if they redo the leauges that will leave only ludlow in our way. that will be the key meet of the entire season. last year we narrowly lost to them, and they only lost Jesse Regnier, but i think that we really can compete with them and the meet should be at home so we will have home course advantage. Speaking of our course i havent been on it in a couple of weeks but last time i was on it it was in terrible shape, we are probably going to have to organize something before summer starts to make sure that our course is in good shape and there are no downed trees or chimneys for that matter cuz that is what was blocking the course last time.

the meeting with dillion after school is coming up and then we have fall sports nite, and that should tell us who we are picking up as newcomers, and from there we will have a good idea of how the team will shape up. yeah so thats the state of the XC team pretty much right now and thats about all i have to say for now.


Agawam XC returns for more

by Bryan Roy (Mirror Sports Staff)

After an impressive 7-1 season last year, the Agawam Boys Cross Country team looks stronger than ever. The Brownies finished last year losing in the Western Massachusetts State Tournament to the 2004 champions, Amherst. “This is our year,” said head coach Bill Dillon. “These guys have a great work ethic and we are ready to make a statement to the rest of Western Massachusetts.” Not only has Agawam gained many key newcomers, but Coach Dillon hasn’t lost any of last years returning captains - seniors Chris Tierney, Kevin Clark, and Bryan Lane. Clark and Tierney will represent the team along with junior Jason Olbrych. “It’s been a long journey for me,” said Tierney, “Being a captain last year and again this year has made me a better runner.” Tierney has been running XC since his sophomore year. “This group has been together for about three years getting stronger and faster every day, so it’s finally our time to take home the Western Mass trophy,” said Lane. “I want these guys in the top ten at Western Mass this year, I expect nothing less,” said Dillon. Following the top three will be junior Zach Matys, who fought with a foot injury last year, but will hope to run again this year. The number five, six, and seven spots will result in a tight battle between sophomores Mike Andrews, Tom Goodrow, and senior Brian Roberts. “Goodrow made a major improvement from last year,” said Coach Dillon, “He ran a ton of miles over the summer, and it will pay off.” Agawam opened their season flat out crushing Chicopee Chicopee High -School with a 17-49 win. Clark, Tierney, and Olbrych ran 18:05. Matys set a personal record on the course in 19:05. The Brownies continued on a roll, with a dominant 19-47 win over Chicopee Comp on Tuesday September 14. Senior Kevin Clark set a course record for Agawam finishing 16:20 for the win. Steve Czupryna followed in 16:33. Jason Olbrych (16:46) and Chris Tierney (16:54) finished off the top four spots in the race. “We have a good team this year,” said Clark. Agawam dominated the 3.1-mile Stanley Park Duck Races that included nine teams all trying to compete at the Brownies level. The boys took the top three spots in the race, dominated by Agawam’s trio Clark (17:06), Olbrych (17:23), and Tierney (17:29). Agawam scored 27 points, East Longmeadow with 50, and West Springfield with 99. “We all went out there and wanted to win, and that’s what we did,” said Olbrych on the Duck Races. “Teams are starting to notice how strong we are,” said Tierney, “All I can say is get ready Western Mass."

It's True 7-31-04

By Chris Tierney WTF? July is over? Where has the summer gone? July went by so fast. This next month of August is the most important of the year for us to train. I have been very pleased with some of the guys this summer. I am especially very proud of Mike Andrews and Tom Goodrow. These two guys are going to be a force to be reckoned with come the actual season. A few weeks ago Jay and I took them on the 10-mile Southwick run in the pouring rain and they did excellent. Three days later they both raced at Stanley and set great PR's. Goodrow missed breaking 20 by 5 seconds which means sub-19:00 come the season. If someone said he would do that last fall it would have been overlooked. This year it is not just a goal, it is a fact. Andrews ran 19:10 and is improving every week. He swallowed a giant bug! And forced himself to throw it up! Twice! He should have Jay's sophomore record within his sights! Both of these guys are key assets to winning WMASS this fall. There are other things that aren't going so well. I personally am disappointed in the gamesmanship of our new other 2 captains this far. Clark has decided to not run with us this summer it seems like. I know it isn't just me who thinks that as a captain he should be setting examples and training with his team at the very least. He is a great runner but socially, mentally, and emotionally he sometimes isn't the greatest leader. I hope that he soon decides that he isn't too good for his team, and starts at least being in contact with us. I just have not seen the hard working or even positive attitude that Bryan Lane needs to have as a captain of this team. I understand that it is the summer and it is a time to have fun, but we are not going to be a WMASS championship team by playing little neighborhood baseball instead of doing workouts.

A major positive is the shape that our probable number 4 runner Zach Matys is getting himself into. He is finally learning to move fast. If he would just do some pushups or lift some weights he will be all set. I am happy with him though.

Michael J. DeFilippi is leaving Agawam XC forever on August 9, 2004. Mike has made this program what it is today and will be this November. He is the sole reason most of us are running today. He is going to SUNY at Cortland and will be running cross-country and track. We wish the best of luck to him.

August 8-12 NEPXC! Jay and I will be going back to XC camp at Northfield Mount Herman. We can't wait! I hope you guys don't forget to run when we are gone. Then I am off to Ireland to train at altitude for 2 more weeks. JK lol Ireland is obv not at altitude. But it will be some hardcore training.

Special Guests at practices…Carlos!?!?!, Joe C?!?!, Jer!?!?

Anyways keep running. This is our time. Its true.

It's True 9-8-03

By Chris Tierney

Wow this site looks really nice, its been updated for the first time in like 3 months by the one and only Michael J. DeFilippi.

Our team is looking very strong. We have a very dominant, hard working top group of 5 guys including Zach Matys, Matt Zordani, Jay Olbrych, Kevin Clark, and Myself. Though only 5 guys actually count in the scoring it is important to have strong 6 and 7 guys also. With Nick Gurau on the DL for another week or so (appendix), it is essential for some others to step up and fill in the last 2 Varsity spots. Lately I have been impressed with the effort put in by Scott Gates and believe he can (even through his inexperience) be our #6 guy for now. Though we never know, others such as Mitch Krach and Dan Cassidy are also starting to come along.

One thing that still has me bewildered is how big the gap is between our front group and our next group on runs. Today we ran 3.4 miles, the 'Rowley Loop', and up front there was Me, Jay, Mitch, Cassidy DeFil, and even Frank wasn’t too far behind. We were cruising at about 8-9 minute miles, very slow, and still the next group was out of sight. All right I can understand the younger guys who are still building their base, but for some of the more experienced guys, you know who you are, it is completely unnecessary. Sometimes we have to wonder what the heck you guys do back there. Sorry, but if anyone plans on running Varsity this season or next season, you can not be passed when you are going 7 miles and they are going 10 miles.

I don't get our athletic director. It really isn't fair that football gets new uniforms every year and gets 243,523 busses to every game, when we can't get 1 bus for 2 teams (boys and girls) to Hartford 1 time. I am just glad our parents are supporting us and we now have a booster club. He really doesn’t understand XC at all. I doubt he reads this, but I hope he does. He is not a bad guy, he just does not understand our sport or what we are about. Hopefully in the next couple of years when we start winning some championships he will start to recognize us.

Oh well, this is an "It's True". I didn’t put all of the points I wanted to cover in here, but I got the important stuff. Once again as in all of my "It's Trues" I don't mean to offend anyone, I am just getting a point across and if u listen, it could help.

I don't want to hear any 'I don’t get any respect' either. Respect is earned, not given.

Let's have a good start to the season, lets take down Ludlow big tomorrow.

*Thanks to our Graduated Seniors*

By Chris Tierney from all the underclassmen

Drew "Pitts" Wynne

Pitts is awesome. He is such a nice guy and has definitely taught all of us at least something. He is a great basketball player and a good runner. He can be lazy sometimes but he is a good guy. Hopefully he runs with us sometime over the summer.

Corey O'Connor

Corey is a lazy slob. Haha I'm just kidding, Corey is a fun guy to have around. He wins the "Most likely to cut short a work-out with Drew" award. He will run with us over the summer sometimes, oh wait no he probably won't, he should thought. Good Luck Corey.

John Slachetka

He made the great charge from football to XC. I think he liked it and was very good at it. Jay would like to thank him for pushing him during the race when he broke DeFil's freshman record. Slats is the hardest working guy I have ever met, that's why he is the fastest sprinter in Mass right now. He will be around helping us with our strength and sprinting this summer.

Nate Krach

The Nature Boy is on of my favorite people I have ever met. He is so funny and smart. He is the most knowledgeable guy around and teaches us new things every time we see him. It is because of him we have this nice web site. Nate will definitely be around over the summer running with us. He is the greatest guy.

Mike DeFilippi

DeFil has helped every one of us so much in such a huge way. He is the reason any of us run in the first place. He has done such a great job building the Agawam Cross-Country Program over the past 4 years. We all appreciate you DeFil and thank you for getting us involved in running, and thank you for snapping of us if we try to be lazy. You make us laugh so much, it is great.

You have become one of my best friends and I personally want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You are the reason I am not a baseball-playing slob, Clark and I would never have won that election if it wasn’t for you, you have helped me and everyone else realize that hard work pays off and we can all be great if we don't waste our potential. You have influenced all of us so much and thanks for everything.

It's True!

By the NEW Rattlesnake Chris Tierney

Is anyone else sick and tired of watching favoritism of the seniors in all of the "fun" little assembly's we have? I know they are seniors and everything but do the seniors really want to have to cheat to win these events? The seniors could all go into the "Pep Rally" with duct tape over their mouths and still win. We all know the juniors actually won that this year. Today in the "Winter Olympics" the seniors cheated their way to another victory, the teachers really won (sorry Slats). Students are not going to pay the $2 anymore if this crap keeps up. They want a fair competition, not to go and watch there class get screwed. It is ridiculous and its time someone takes a stand! AHS seriously sucks!

By the way I'm taking over Mikes "Its True" because he never writes it. This is not really having much to do with XC because there are other issues to talk about at this time, and its not XC season. I appologize to anyone to whom this may offend.

I'm snapping on AHS. I am going to take over Mr. Steven Atkinson's ways of screwing the system, and not getting in trouble for it (not including the ELXC porn pictures). It's the beginning of a new era and the end of an old one.

You know what grosses me out? Fat disgusting slobs that were skanky clothes, tight pants, and thongs. Most normal human being would agree with me that it makes you want to throw up. That is another large fault of AHS, we need to get rid of these bottom feeders.

Another issue I would like to bring up is the MIAA's drug and alcohol use rule and punishments. What is the rule of getting drunk and then going to a basketball game? Do you get excused or something? Three out of every four athletes in AHS drink alcohol, why is it that no one ever gets punished (well 1 time)?

Agawam High School needs to do something to make it a better place. There are only a few respectable teachers in the whole damn school (Mr. Pryce, Mr. Bianca, and Mr. Morse). Enough is Enough and It's Time for a Change….

BY Captain Mike DeFilippi

I know it’s been a while since I have written a column. So damnit here we go! I am writing this the night after the great Stanley Park 3 mile race! Talk about having a good year. We are going to be really good. Gurau didn’t surprise me but surprised coach big time. Very sold times by everybody! With the exception of me lol, everybody ran PR times.

1. Andrew Pitts 15:31 (cool dude toy with me)
2. DeFil 17:10 (o well)
3. Tierney 18:19 (PR by 26 seconds)
5. Gurau 18:53 (PR)
7. Pete 19:07 (PR)
16. Olbrych 20:57 (PR)
18. Drew P. 21:01 (eh)
19. McGurn 21:12 (nice)
27. Bushey 21:54 (PR by almost 3 minutes, awesome!)
39. Lane 24:17 (Beats all the girls except Catherine, improves like 2 minutes)
42. Father Lane 24:39 (PR)
45. Derek Myers 25:06 (PR by like 7 minutes)


32. Catherine 22:40
40. Velosky 24:18
41. Jodie Pfau 24:19
43. Young Pfau 24:40
44. Victoria 24:50
48. Hudson 25:18

Thanks Nathan for going despite your injury to support us. Thanks Coach for driving us up there and giving some of us rides home.

AMES = Respectful store Greatest $19.99 warm-ups ever! I hope the East Longmeadow AMES has more warm-ups so everyone can buy one!

WHO WILL STEP UP AND BE #5 GUY? Right now its going to be close between Nathan, Olbrych, Drew and McGurn.

Recent happenings…

As we are running away from the raffle to cool down we hear “The last raffle winner is PETE MIDURA”….greatest..kid gets Almond Joys. Well he handed them over to yours truly, hoping to battle his cramps. Good luck sir.

DAN attends the SOX game. I wish he had ran because everyone had their best times and I think he would’ve been in the Olbrych, Pitts, McGurn pack. Anyway the RED SOX won the game he went to. They had a huge 9th inning. O WELL STRIKE that’s cool

I thought the girls team was going to have some trouble this year, but things are improving. Now that everyone is back from vacations and what not they will be better. Good times at Westfield.

Agawam beats Westfield in SUMMER MEET.


EXPECT SOME HARD WORKOUTS THE NEXT 2 WEEKS. We need to drop these times a lot for Amherst. We need Tierney, Pete and Nick under 18 for the 5K. I need to run under 17. I ran 17:14 last year (PR) and placed 6th o well!

I dunno K im tired…ill write another soon oh its true its true!


Dillon 3:16 says XC for 3. EWING with a huge hook shot!

Finally……….I have come back to writing the people’s column. That intro was for the return of The Rock to Smackdown. You can catch the People’s Champion every Thursday night on UPN at 8 PM. So anyway we had a bunch of guys race last week at Stanley Park. Times may not have been correct so I won’t bother posting any times. Tierney looked good though. Tierney couldn’t run at the Baystate finals because of his ankle injury but it’s alright.

Friday nights at 6PM they have a new series of 5k races in Deerfield. More info can be found here Ridge Race 5K. I figure we can go to the race on the 26th because we are going to Lane’s house this Friday.

I was happy with the showing at the Stanley Park race. I ran 17:22 and took first. Other highlights were….Nathan had a breakthrough race with a 20:50. Lane also is starting to improve and quite noticeably. He ran a minute faster than last week. Be great if he catches the lazy guys on our team who are sitting on their asses all summer.

RIP Ted Williams…I don’t know why John Henry is getting criticized so much for the freezing of his father’s body. I support the freezing process and think that William’s daughter and other family members should just know their roles and shut up.

Town Council…. be prepared! Next meeting we will be there…its true!

I don’t know how stupid this sounds, but I’ve began weight lifting. Word on the street is that your Junior Olympic hero has been gaining muscle. I got a 10 week membership to Fitness First for $99 dollars. It’s actually quite the deal. The place is great. A bunch of guys live close by so it would be great to get you guys lifting and playing me in racquetball! Look for me to be beating all the slobs in shot put next year!

Weird things that have recently happened on runs:

At Friendly’s Tierney and I ran inside to get some water in the bathroom. We came out and I saw these slobs coming towards us with a car…it was great I ran right at them and did a little Prefontaine move around them.

Tierney and I stopped at Stan’s the other day to see if they would give us some water… Girl at the counters response “Sorry we don’t give out free water, only in bottles” Then I come out of nowhere….”Cool I guess I’ll die of dehydration because of your selfish ways, thanks”

I hurdled over some lawn chairs during the race in Westfield.


Mr. Lane has now joined the competitive racing. He ran a decent time (won’t be said). But he didn’t beat Hall Of Famer and local Agawam 75+ year old…DICK OSGOOD! OH WELL

Girls team had their first practice…2 Pfaus…Vicky and Becca…o well no meg captain jess Hudson and no Ashley Velosky…that’s cool

I saw Pfau’s dad while I was on my way to Fitness First on the highway. I toyed though he was way back there after I kicked by him at the end of 57.

Cool I guess I stalk 2 girls on the XC team now…

RICHARD WARD still looking to make his huge XC debut at Agawam soon.

I’m so mad I missed the WNBA All Star game….oh yeah huge news…a girl dunked twice in practice! Amazing…

I could’ve sworn I saw Pitts (the hard working one) at Stanley Park.

This guy, DANNY, he is like the head of human resources and stuff keeps going into Utopia and getting stuff. He’s so funny cuz he’s the more pony type. DAN

Speaking of DAN He’s doing very well in his extra help summer classes for math. He was measuring his hand to wrist for some odd reason the other day I guess…I dunno

Tierney going to CALI Thursday for a week…sucks now its gonna be me, Nathan, and the deer for practices.

Its 1:15 AM by the way.

CARWASH??? We can’t let the idea go dead guys.

I’m going to start coaching the girls team since Jodie and Jessica have work mostly every night. First day I’ll start them off with .05 for a warmup and .65 miles hard with a water rest at the end and plenty of food………..

Hey guys I’m going to write a column on this site. In the column I will address our team, political issues, sports and other topics of interest. I have a lot to talk about in this first issue. Its true!

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that public schools could require random drug testing of students who take part in extracurricular activities. A five-justice majority called the Tecumseh, Okla., policy "entirely reasonable." If its Nathan’s Chess Team, Agawam Football or the Gay-Straight Alliance they can all be tested. It is now legal by all means. I am very happy to hear this. Thank you Randy Carlton for making me aware of this. It was on the cover of the Union News also.

Our school and athletic director by all means are most likely scared of this. They will ignore the drug testing because they know it will bring Agawam athletics to an all time low. You see Agawam Athletics is what I like to call pathetic. To tell you the truth the only reason I haven’t left AHS on school choice is because of Coach Dillon. It would bother me forever knowing how valuable I am to the team, if I just took off and helped another team. I always had a vision of the XC team being great before I graduated. 2002 this will happen. Not just because of our record but because we have a great group of guys. We have the smartest, funniest and most athletic type of athletes. We are the only clean sport at AHS. I’m just so damn sick and tired of all the scandals and all the drinking and drugs that take place with AHS sports. Mr. Conte gives us no goddamn respect and I’m gonna snap some day. He’s a great guy and all but I wish he like spotted our team doing the hill workout the other night. I bet he would have some more respect for us. That’s the main reason I picked the Ames hill to do the workout. I want us to be out in public and I want our team to get recognized this year. We are starting to win over the cops in Agawam. I see them so much now when I am out training. The other day one of them even said hi to us while doing the hill work. I think for team t shirts we should just have like on the front “Agawam Cross Country” and on the back “Agawam’s finest pure athletes” or something like that. I mean quite frankly we better win the GPA thing next year also. As captain I will not only snap on the XC course but in school. If I plan to run in college and become the next Howard Stern I need a good education. So anyway damnit on Monday we need to have great numbers. NO EXCUSES! The more people the better. If we can get even like 10 people that will be perfect. We are just going to attend the public town council meeting and see how things operate. We will go in prepared for the next meeting. DRUG TESTING! HELL YEAH!

Mitt Romney better become our next governor so he can screw the democrats over and let the big conspiracy out about his true love for UTAH. Jane Swift is such a freeken fatass slob. I hate women in office more than women’s sports. OH IT’S TRUE!

WWE superstar Kurt Angle is going to be at Six Flags on Tuesday from 11 AM to 1 PM. Drew has 6 free passes. If you want to know talk to Drew or me.

The Red Sox are going to be lucky to win the Wild Card.

I thank you very much
Mike DeFilippi

Mr. Conte had this to say about his thoughts on XC…”what”

Quotes from the past

Quickly Sir
Its true
Kiss my ass
Pitts for 3
Ta ta (sound)
Ya hoy
The great ones

I know this is probably the dumbest thing you have ever heard but straight from DANIEL PRYCE, “oh well”