Random Stuff


It does exist!!!

the a-rod speedstick commerical, this is from the end of the commercial and the light says E5,
which means error on the third baseman

Yao Ming and Earl Boykins

Team Look-Alikes

Class of 2003

Drew Wynne-PITTS. Yeah they look alike. Check out the picture of them together.

Nate Krach-Hmmm, Owen Wasburn from Amherst. At the 4th of July Road Race a random guy asked him if he was Owen.

Mike DeFilippi-NO ONE. To unique.

O'Conner-Jim Carrey. They have the same goofy look to them. It's ok man.

Slats-Billy Gunn from the WWE. Halloween you guys got screwed out of winning.

Pete Midura-Enrique Inglesius. Sometime I'm going to go to the mall and yelling LOOK IT'S ENRIQUE and see what people do.

Class of 2005

Chris Tierney-James Dietz from Amherst. The lankey-ass bitches could be brothers.

Clark-Ricky Peters. Well, I guess you need to know who Rich Peters is huh?

Dan Lizotte-I dunno, Steve Atkinson. Maybe.

Bryan Lane-Mike Bagge from East Longmeadow. If lane wasn't so skinny they would be twins.

Class of 2006

Jay Olbrych-Ian Marcus from Amherst. The short guys with the kick, real fast.

Zach Matys-

Frank/Matt Latakas-Bill Mueller from the Red Sox, when he first joined the team he had a picture on NESN.com, that looked exactly like frank, when frank is rocking the gotee

Class of 2007

Josh Dion-Jeremy Laverdiere from West Springfield, they have the same way of standing and both have a tendency to wear hats everywhere, and are about the same size.

Tom Goodrow-

Mike Andrews-

Gregg Lane-

Class of 2008

Eric Lane-

Nick Abraham-

i dont know for any of the blank spots, so if you have any ideas, tell me or post them on the boards

Eventually I'm going to put pictures to show you guys who "Don't even know what I'm talking about."

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