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Image of paulrevere.jpg
Image of statehouse.jpg
Image of fisherman.jpg

Statue of Paul Revere

The State House
Gloucester Fisherman

Image of harpoon.gif

Image of kennedylib..jpg
Image of ussconstitution.jpg

Kennedy Library

USS Constitution

Image of image6.gif

Image of bostonnight.jpg
Image of quincymarket2.jpg

Boston at night
Quincy Market

Image of plymouthrock.jpg
Image of plymouth.jpg

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Plantation

Image of seagull.gif

Image of themayflower.jpg

Image of beach.jpg

The Mayflower
Cape Cod's Sandy Beach

Image of lobster.gif

Image of capecodcanal.jpg
Image of provincetown.jpg

Cape Cod Canal & Bourne Bridge

Image of seagull.gif

Image of sturbridge.jpg
Image of house.jpg

Sturbridge Village
Sturbridge Village

Image of 1boston.jpg
Image of sunset.jpg

Boston by day

Image of ws_lighthouse2.jpg

I couldn't resist putting a little picture up to show my artistic side! The photo above was made by me using Paint Shop Pro.

Image of harpoon.gif

Image of ws_buthp.gif Image of ws_butbp.gif