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Sesus AtrokosName: Sesus Atrokos Player: NPC Aspect: Wood Nature: Gallant House: Sesus Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Virtues: Compassion: 3, Conviction: 4, Temperance 3, Valor 2 Abilities: Linquistics (Native: High Realm; Skytongue, Low Realm) 2, Lore 2, Awareness 2, Resistance 3, Athletics 2, Dodge 1, Melee 1, *Presence (Among Dragon-Bloods +2) 4, *Socialize 4, Brawl 1, *Bureaucracy 4, Investigation 2, Larceny 1, *Archery 1, *Medicine 4, *Performance (Harp +2) 5, *Ride 2, *Survival 1 Backgrounds: Artifacts 2 ("Hearth of Heart" Green Jade Chain Shirt, Blue Jade Hearthstone Necklace), Connections (The Guild) 2, Connections (House Cathak) 2, Connections (Imperial Navy) 2, Connections (Thousand Scales) 3, Manse 2, Resources 5, Retainers 2 Charms: Benevalent Master's Blessing, Brother-Against-Brother Insinuation, Disease-Banishing Technique, Infection Banishing Prana, Loquacious Courier Technique, Seizing-The-Tongue Technique, Thoughtful Gift Technique, Thrashing Carp Serenade, Warm-Faced Seduction Style Attack: 6 with masterwork straight sword Damage: 6L with masterwork straight sword Dodge Total: 4 Soak: 8B, 4L with "Hearth of Heart" Willpower: 8 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap Essence: 3 Personal Essence: 11 Peripheral Essence: 27 Committed Essence: 4 Other Notes: Atrokos was not born with a jade spoon in her mouth, quite the opposite in fact. She was one of the few House Sesus Exalts that recieved her Exaltation later in life. After she went through her education, in a secondary school, she decided to travel for a little while. During one excursion in Nexus, a footpad decided to end her brief mortal life. She Exalted then and there, but not in the best of fashions. Atrokos is a master in the social circles. Everything she got in life, she earned not through family or obligation. Unfortunetly, when she Exalted she did not gain any potent fighting skills and the footpad almost killed her. A lucky happenstance with a passing guard is the only thing that saved her life. That guard, Gelarck, is now captain of her personal troops and will defend Atrokos to the death. She is the one person you can talk to if you need something to get done in the world of shipping. With her ties in the Thousand Scales, Navy and House Cathak, she has the ability to smuggle just about anything for the right price. Some have grown jealous of her abilities, especially House V'Neef and Peleps. They have not found out how Atrokos has the connections she does, but the Houses will pay good money to sever them. |