Contents Homepage Biography Favorite Links Friends and Photos Gaming Dungeons and Dragons Earthdawn Exalted Artifacts Backgrounds Campaign Info Charm Flow Charts Creatures Dramatis Personae - The Abyssals - The Alchemicals - The Infernals - The Lunars - The Sidereals - The Solars - The Terrestrials Hearthstones Locations Manses Weapons Vampire Werewolf Geneology Ravings Résumé Updates Writing Samples | Dramatis Personae   The following is a list of characters that can be found throughout my Exalted campaign divided into appropriate sections. A good chunk of them have information that is accessible, while others are just up until I can get around to publishing info about them. As always, feel free to use them or rewrite, but do not publish any of this material elsewhere without my permission.    As always this material is subject to revision dependent on new material released from White Wolf. Since my last post, quite a bit has come out. Dragon-Blooded and Lunar are out, with Abyssals soon to follow. Obviously, I need to catch up around here... its only been four months since the last official post.