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Name: Callamahary

Player: Sean

Caste: Full Moon

Nature: Paragon

Anima: Tyrant Lizard

Face: Nain-ya (Rank 2)

Attributes: Strength 4/6, Dexterity 5/7, Stamina 4/5, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 4

Abilities: *Awareness 3, *Brawl 3, *Dodge 3, Thrown 2, Craft 3, *Stealth 2, *Survival 3, Investigation 3, Lore 3

Backgrounds: Artifacts 3 ("Auroch's Glove" Moonsilver Smashfist, Blue Jade Breastplate), Heart's Blood 3, Manse 2 (Kill Hand Gem)

Charms: Body Weapon Technique, Deadly Beastman Transformation (Spider-Foot Climbing, Terrible Beast Claws), Finding the Spirit's Shape, Hide of the Cunning Hunter, Hydra Head Attack, Sinuous Striking Snake, Tyrant Lizard Strike, Towering Beast Form

Attack: 8 Unarmed/10 with Terrible Beast Claws Damage: 4L Unarmed/9L with Terrible Beast Claws

Dodge Total:8/9 Soak: 8B/8L Normal/ 9B/9L Hybrid Form

Willpower: 7 Health Levels:-0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 3

Personal Essence: 21 Peripheral Essence: 42 Committed Essence: 9

Other Notes: Callamahary, or Cal, has not been one of the Lunar Exalted for very long. In fact, his Rite of Passage is only weeks past. He journeyed the South, trying to live up to what the Elders asked of him. Not knowing the barbarian life (Cal was a city boy), he wasn't sure how he should go about gaining honor and prestige.

   Cal traveled to Chiaroscuro, where he met another Lunar Arcanis. Together they joined with a few Solars hiding there to attempt and stop an Abyssal from making the City of Glass into a shadowland. Sadly, this campaign ended before we could see what happened. Shame though, it was going to be good.

The second number after the / represents hybrid form.
A * denotes favored or Caste ability!

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