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Religions of Dunedan

Boccob: With magic practically outlawed, open worship of Boccob is rare, and Boccobites are often ostracized. Those that worship openly do so only under his guise as god of Knowledge.

Corellon Larethian: Corellon is worshipped much the same way as described in the PHB/DDG. The Elves haven't changed much, and neither have their religious practices.

Ehlonna: Though there isn't much forest in Dunedan, Ehlonna still has her share of worshippers. She is seen mostly as an agricultural deity. Peasants often make sacrifices or hold ceremonies to her to ensure a good harvest.

Erythnul: Followers of The Many are few, but still more than the common folk would like. He is worshipped more in the savage areas of the north and east.

Fharlanghn: Though traders still revere Fharlanghn, lately his number of followers has decreased. Since Dunedan is so effectively bounded, to most a "long journey" takes at most a couple days by wagon. Lord Dulsane has contributed to this by pulling his support of the roadside shrines and way stations.

Garl Glittergold: The Gnomes are relatively unchanged over the years, so Garl's followers are the same as in the PHB/DDG.

Gruumsh: Gruumsh is still primarily worshipped by orcs & their kin. Some barbarian tribes have taken to worshipping him as a god of strength.

Heironeous: The closer you get to the High Castle, the smaller Heironeousí power base gets. Recently, Heironeous' ideals and teachings have been portrayed as outdated or even wrong. In Gate City, it is essentially a hidden cult.

Hextor: By Lord Dulsane's order, worship of Hextor is the state religion. In this case, the focus is put on his status as god of conflict and fitness. Most residents of Dunedan pay at least lip service to him.

Kord: Kord is favored by good-aligned barbarian tribes, Dwarves living among Humans, and any others for whom strength is important (warriors, smiths, etc.).

Moradin: The Father of the Dwarves remains strong in Dunedan, especially in the west. Most Dwarves and even some Humans worship Moradin.

Nerull: The Reaper is not often worshipped so much as appeased. Sacrifices are made to him to stave off death, and his name is cursed most at the passing of a loved one.

Obad-Hai: Obad-Hai rules over nature: animals, plants, anything not controlled or created by people. He has few clerics, but is instead revered by druids, rangers and others connected to the wild.

Olidimarra: As long as there are rogues, there will be Olidimarra. He is especially "welcome" in Wayside--his temple doubles as the Thievesí Guildhall.

Pelor: The god of healing has by far the most worshippers in Dunedan. Few speak out against him, as they know theyíll probably need his favor sometime.

St. Cuthbert: Cuthbertites tend to be at odds with the Hextorians. While St. Cuthbert says to strike back hard, Hextor favors preemptive strikes. Quite often Cuthbertites will find themselves avenging wrongs done by Hextorians.

Vecna: There are many secrets in Dunedan, and the followers of Vecna are determined to find them all. Worship of the Maimed Lord is outlawed in Dunedan, but that hasnít stopped them, only slowed them down.

Wee Jas: Like Boccob, Wee Jas is reviled under her magic guise. Instead, she is worshipped as the goddess of peaceful death and is said to aid the deceasedís passage to the after-realms.

Yondalla: Although the halflings have melded with the other races to an extent, the clerics of Yondalla ensure that their culture & racial identity remain intact. She is also called upon by non-halflings in times of crisis for protection and solace.


Lacedonus: Lacedonus (lass-uh-don-us), god of storms and the sea, is chaotic neutral. He is known as the Windlord and The Wild. Lacedonus is lord of the seas and patron of sailors & fishermen. The domains he is associated with are Weather, Chaos and Water. His favored weapon is the longspear. Lacedonus maintains a friendly rivalry with Kestor, though their agendas rarely come into conflict. Lacedonus is seen as an angry god, reflected in the fury of the storms or the dangerous seas surrounding Dunedan. He, like the other Elemental Lords (Kestor & Ranella), is rarely worshipped outright, but rather prayed to for safety from the storm.

Kestor: Kestor (kess-tore) is the god of mountains, mining and stonework. He is lawful neutral. His titles include Stonelord and The Unchanging. His domains are Earth, Law and Protection. His favored weapon is the pick. He is rivals with Lacedonus. Dwarves tend to think of Kestor as an aspect of Moradin, while Humans think the opposite. Kestor represents the mountains, especially their impassibility and sheltering aspects. The rivalry with Lacedonus is represented by both the waves crashing against the western cliffs and the wild thunderstorms high in the mountain peaks.

Ranella: Ranella (ra-nell-ah), the neutral goddess of fire, is known as the Red Lady or the Fiery One. The domains she is associated with are Destruction, Fire and Sun. Her favored weapon is the Falchion. Ranellaís worshippers depict her as a lithe but strong woman with fiery red hair. Ranella almost never comes in contact or conflict with the other Elemental Lords (Lacedonus & Kestor), but is grouped with them due to her portfolio. Ranella embodies heat and flame, and is sometimes referred to as a sun goddess. Pelor, however, not only represents the heat of the sun, but also its life-giving aspect. Most often Ranella is seen as the goddess of earthbound fire while Pelor rules over celestial flame.

Gromnes Deepdelver: Gromnes Deepdelver (grom-nes deep-del-ver) is the Gnomish god of illusion and combat. He is neutral good. Where Garl Glittergold rules over disguised things, Gromnes controls hidden nature--things that, by nature, arenít what they appear to be. His domains are Good, Trickery and War. His favored weapon is the longsword. He appears as an extremely well-muscled Svirfneblin (Deep Gnome). His worshippers tend to be more serious than the average Gnome, though still annoying by Human standards.