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Cynis Belar Getalt

Name: Cynis Belar Getalt

Player: NPC

Aspect: Wood

Nature: Loner

House: Cynis Belar

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Virtues: Compassion: 2, Conviction: 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Abilities: Linquistics (Native: High Realm; Flametongue, Low Realm) 2, Lore 2, *Stealth 3, Awareness (Traps +2)3, Endurance 2, *Resistance 2, *Athletics (Running +1) 2, Dodge 2, Melee (Sword +1) 1, Presence 4, Socialize 2, Brawl (Bare Hands +1) 2, *Archery 4, *Medicine (Drugs +2) 4, *Performance 1, *Ride (Fleeing +1) 4, *Survival 4

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Artifacts 3 ("Mamba's Forked Tongue" Black Jade Chain Shirt, Traveler's Staff, Red Jade Hearthstone Necklace), Backing (Guild) 2, Henchmen 2, Manse 3 (Bloodstone, Stone of the Hunt), Resources 3

Charms: Disease-Banishing Technique, Distracting Breeze Meditation, Harvest of the Hunter, Infection-Banishing Prana, Ox Body Technique, Soundless Action Prana, Spring Follows Winter, Wild-Wandering Forrester Charm, Wound-Closing Touch

Attack: 6 with masterwork straight sword Damage: 7L with masterwork straight sword

Dodge Total: 5 Soak: 9B, 5L with "Mamba's Forked Tongue"

Willpower: 8 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 5

Personal Essence: 13 Peripheral Essence: 34 Committed Essence: 4

Other Notes: Geltalt is a fabled hunter from the northern section of the Blessed Isle. The Cathak family originally used him to hunt down rare treats for their more known parties. That is, until they found his true calling.

   He has the oddest knack of finding narcotic substances. Geltalt, himself, never actually does any of the drugs he finds. Usually, his two henchmen are more than happy to be guinea pigs for his experiments. Geltalt treats them well accordingly. While he may disagree with his Houses' buisness practice, he gets to do what he wants while being well funded for it.

   Geltalt hates to fight others, he is more happy just leaning back and reading a book in nature. He will use any advantage he can to take off to live another day. This is another reason why he is not on the Blessed Isle right now. Due to his "cowardise", he has bent sent to the South to find rare drugs to sell for House Cynis.

A * denotes favored or Aspect ability!

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