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Jakar Natoff

Name: Jakar Natoff

Player: Brandon

Caste: Night

Nature: Survivor

Anima: Fox

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Appearance 4, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Abilities: *Archery (Powerbow +1) 4, *Brawl 2, *Endurance 3, Survival 1, Investigation 1, Lore 1, *Medicine 2, *Occult 3, *Athletics 4, *Awareness 3, *Dodge (Ducking for Cover +1, +2 Hearthstone bonus) 5, *Larceny 2, *Stealth 2, Linguistics (Native: Flametongue; Old Realm) 1, *Ride 1

Backgrounds:Artifact 8 ("Folding Ray" Orichalcum Chain Shirt, "Gold Tooth Knife" Orichalcum Goreknife, "Quicksilver" Orichalcum Power Bow, Orichalcum Knife), Familiar 1 (Small sparrow), Manse 2 (Hearthstone of Sliding Bones, provides +2 dodge bonus), Resources 1

Charms: Body Mending Technique, Ferocious Jab, Fiery Arrow Attack, Flawless Pickpocketing Technique, Graceful Crane Stance, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Reed in the Wind, Sensory Acuity Prana, Sight Without Eyes, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Wise Arrow

Sorceries: Emerald Countermagic, Incantation of Effective Restoration, Impervious Sphere of Water

Attack: 12 with "Quicksilver" Damage: 7L (Broadhead arrows and "Quicksilver")

Dodge Total: 9/11 while ducking for cover Soak: 9B / 8L with reinforced buff jacket

Willpower: 7 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 4

Personal Essence: 19 Peripheral Essence: 45 Committed Essence: 4

Virtue Flaw: Red Rage of Compassion

Other Notes: Jakar is the perfect backup support. He's quiet, sneaky, and fires arrows like few others. Jakar is a serious student of sorcery and wants to be known someday for his abilities in Bridget's craft. Being poor, he holds little value in trinkets of gold. Such items hold little intrinsic value next to a meal and a good blanket for a simple man. As much as one of the Solar Exalted can be simple.

   Jakar is currently mourning Azaroth's and Harmonious Kell's deaths at the hands of an Air aspected Dragon-Blooded. Jakar, Alucard and Two Rings Frodig are on their way to Paragon to steal some texts and a ring from the Perfect's home on behalf of the Old Man. To read the background story created by Brandon, click here.

A * denotes favored or Caste ability!

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