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A Treatise of Kershak District

   The following is a brief description of the area of Kershak. This information was collected by King Reginshal I court scribe and has been used ever since.

Halisham || Golden Keep || Virst || Galista || Dorth || The Mountain Home || The Spine's Eye || Gaeir Hills || Kerinth Forest || Grey Fir Wood || Werlig Bog || Juristo Forest || Shir'anlathsan'ria (Shir) || Owl Home || Silver Hills || Dead Wood

Halsiham (The Great City)

   Halisham is the jewel of Kershak district. 23,000 citizens make this wondrous city their home. In a mixed society such as this, trade in the most important aspect of the city. Goods of all kinds trade hands in its famed marketplace. Duke Reginshal III, rules over the city with a wise and just hand. Rumors abound that the true power in the city is in the hands of the Merchant's Guild.

   Citizens of the town hail from all races and views. Temples adorn corners of the streets, languages of all kinds rattle from lips, and cultural celebrations occur often. Halisham is one of the most integrated societies in the Lomantaign Kingdom

   Halsiham also holds on the best schools of magic in the kingdom, second only to the Scrollsert in the capital. The school, known as Dragontome, allows all races to come study amongst their own, including some not known for civilization. The library it holds has all matter of rare tomes that scholars come to examine.

The Golden Keep

   This imposing keep was built of solid limestone dragged from the Kershak Mountains. Its name comes from the unusual veins of gold tinted veins in the rock, so that the sun shining upon its walls makes it appear to be pure gold. Baron Larok Calis, a hill dwarf known for his temper, looks over the gold trade routes from the Kershak Gold Mine to Halisham.

   The Keep itself holds more soldiers than townsfolk. Although, there seem to be a large number of families and prostitutes. Baron Calis does not seem to mind the trade, due to the fact that it keeps the men happy. Various outposts lie along the Golden Road, controlled by Baron Calis' men.

   The soldiers of the Gold Keep wear a distinct gold plume upon their helmets. Soldiers of the Keep patrol the Golden Road with almost a religious zeal. A soldier's pay is dependent on the gold getting through to Halisham.


   The hamlet of Virst deals in the silver and crafted goods trade. The village pays for craftsmen of all kinds to live within its wooden walls. Baron Ler has guaranteed lower taxes on any goods produced by an artisan. As a result, Virst holds the largest number of professional artisans in the district; Virst would say the kingdom.

   Baron Ler, the ruler of the hamlet, ensures that his own family gets a small percentage from each sold good. It is too small to cause trouble amongst the artisans, but over the years a small fortune has accumulated. Baron Ler belongs to the Heros family, one sworn to take the Dukedum at all cost.


   Galista is the gateway to the Lomantaigne Kingdom. People from all districts call its walls home. Rare goods from other districts can be found in the small row of shops maintained by the Merchant's Guild of Halisham. Little or no conflict of any sort is found near Galista. The Kershak district spends its money on the battle against the Orc bands to the south.

   Baron Grosh rules the city, if you could call it ruling at all. Little or no strife occurs in this area and Grosh seemed to gain his nobility for the sake of his family, the Merliks. A rival for the dukedum, their family lost the favor of the King. The Merliks were almost destroyed in the Noble War, ten years ago. Duke Regishal III gave the town's office to the Merliks for redress for the crimes against their family.


   The hamlet of Dorth deals with foodstuffs of all kinds. Baron Slamil Jurigan, a halfling with a known appetite, deals with numerous problems. Dorth, Elves from Owl Home, as well as hill dwarves and halflings from the Silver Hills have fought over land and fishing rights in the area. Duke Reginshal III has declared the matter up to Slamil, which seems to have spoiled his fun. Negotiations have failed at the moment, since the hill dwarves seem to be having a small civil war on their hands.

   The hamlet holds a large garrison of soldiers in case the matter gets out of hand, which it seems will happen. The town itself seems to be preparing for a conflict of its own. Many homes seem to be abandoned in preparation. The walls have been fortified and watch towers built.

Of other races in the district

   Many races live within Kerhsak district and do not claim allegiance to the Lomantaign Kingdom. These people are considered valuable souls and trade partners, as such they are not threatened. Many of these races humor the human culture with their kingdoms. The "young race", as they are often called, does not understand that the other races have been there longer. The humans have encouraged members of other races to join their society.

The Mountain Home

   The mountain dwarf kingdom deals mostly in iron and stonework. Large veins of precious gems can also be found in its stone halls. King Deros Battlehelm, a sturdy man with an stubborn streak, rules the dwarves. The dwarves of Mountain Home have had numerous troubles with bands of Stone Giants that live in the area.

   The mountain dwarves follow a tradition that frowns upon any magic, save the kind that strengthens and enbues metal and stone. Any magic users that practice outside the law are ritually scarred on their faces and cast into exile. These exiled dwarves are often killed on sight if found on any territory ruled by the mountain dwarf code.

   Soldiers and craftsman are honored among their society. To rule, a dwarf must be capable of making a weapon worthy of a king and wield it. It is a strong tradition that has been followed for generations.

The Spine's Eye

   The Spine's Eye is the largest mountain in the Kershak Range. People avoid the mountain holds the features of a large eye, hence its name. Strange and unusual creatures have been known to live on the mountain itself. A ancient red dragon also makes its home on the peaks of the Spine's Eye. Adventurers often try to scale the mountain to claim the dragonšs treasure.

Gaeir Hills

   Gaeir Hills hold a large group of hill dwarves. These dwarves have divided themselves into ten societies, known as Klans. Each elder of the Klan holds a seat on the Emerald Council, the ruling body of the hills. Aside from the only source of emeralds in the district, the hill dwarves also specialize in the artistry of gemcraft.

   These hill dwarfs respect all cultures and do not see themselves as the better of anyone. They do not follow the mountain dwarf code, and as such can follow any discipline.

Kerinth Forest

   The Kerinth Forest is a great unknown. Ruins of an ancient civilization can be seen just outside its forest. However, most travelers trying to reach the ruins never exit the wood. Rumors abound of a tribe of wild humans that guard the forest. Druids are the only ones that may walk freely in the woods, making many presume the forest is a sacred place.

Grey Fir Wood

   Wild elves make their home in this isolated wood. These elves have never associated themselves with Shir, as such they consider themselves free to travel and trade with whom they choose. These elves consider honor to be the backbone of their society. Literacy and spellcraft are oft practiced among them, though druids and clerics are often seen.

Werlig Bog

   Little or nothing is known of the Werlig Bog. It appeared over twenty years ago and has been a mystery since. People of all races avoid the bog.

Juristo Forest

   The elves of the Juristo forest are the most progressive when it comes to dealing with other races. The elves of this forest separated themselves from Shir over 200 years ago when the humans of Lomontaign Kingdom started settling here in the district. The Shir wanted to kill the humans for their audacity of claiming land already held by the elves.

   One elf, Zoal'isha Krellse, realized the folly of these actions. In his youth, he realized that the elves and humans could live together. Many other younger elves agreed and left Shir to start their own society. They founded it on the premise of acceptance to new ways. They would be peaceful and allow no limits to the other races.

   While the society is still young (to an elf), they have grown extremely strong due to trade agreements with the dwarves and humans. Wood halflings that live in the woods have founded a peace treaty with the Juristo elves to also aid them. As a result, the Jursito and halfling population, known as the Gelts, travel throughout the district.

   The Gelts, the largest number of forest gnomes in the district, are unlike the usual kind. The often deal with others and the peace agreement with the Juristo have strengthened their holds. These gnomes have some of the oldest members in the district and their knowledge is sought after throughout the area.

Shir'anlathsan'ria (Shir)

   Shir is the ancient home of the elves of this district. Little or no contact is made with the elves except for trade. Elves are allowed to come and go as they please, as long as they follow the rules of Queen Sali'thrianna.

   Shir is the main reason why the orc tribes of the south have not come as far as they could. The elves hold no love for the orcs, who frequently raid into the wood. Since the orcs hold no solid allegiance, they cannot produce the sheer numbers needed to scour the forest.

   Shir produces some of the finest wood working in the district, rivaled only by elves in the Jeristo forest. Shir, itself, looks down upon these elves for their revolt against the Queen. They do not blame the young for impetuousness, but they cannot agree with them. The Queen has turned her back to Juristo elves, any seen in Shir are turned away if their background is discovered.

   It is rare to see a Shir elf out in the district, though it is known to occur. Often, only nobility or couriers are allowed to leave Shir to conduct negotiations or trade agreements. The trade is limited only to wood working products, as well as unneeded foodstuffs. Queen Sališthrianna realizes that to keep the orcs at bay, they need the human and dwarves' iron and steel.

Owl Home

   Owl Home holds a small conclave of free elves. The forest itself is the home of numerous giant owls, which the elves train as guardians. The owls, themselves, are fetch a large price in markets around the district. The elves are currently involved in a dispute over land and fishing rights in the area with the people of Dorth and the hill dwarves and halflings in the Silver Hills.

Silver Hills

   The Silver Hills are a disputed land. The hill dwarves consistently fight with the halflings in this area. Right now, the dwarves have ceased their conflict with the halflings while a civil war occurs. Two factions, the Footstomps and the Hammerbends, are fighting for control of the entire area. The Footstomps originally led the area with an iron fist. They kept the dwarves steeped in mountain dwarf tradition. The Hammerbends believe that hill dwarven culture should follow its own heart, not the ancient ways of the mountain dwarves. Very few magic users are among the ranks of the Hammerbends, which is why they have not taken control of the area.

   The halflings wanted no part in war. A society mixed with tallfellows and normal halflings; they wanted a peaceful solution. The Halves, as they are called, were attacked by the dwarves over stream and water rights. The Halves responded in force, the only thing keeping the superior troops of the dwarves at bay is the Halves magic.

Dead Wood

   The Dead Wood is home of one of the most feared groups in the district, the Corpsewalkers. Literally, an army of people of various races that practice necromancy. Ruled by a lich, named Resho, they scour the area for riches and knowledge. Why the Corspewalkers have not raided on the Silver Hills is unknown.

   One thing known is that the orcs are afraid to go near the Dead Wood. A large number of undead orcs in the ranks of the Corpsewalkers are the result of previous excursions into the wood.

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