Silver Hills
   The Silver Hills are a disputed land. The hill dwarves consistently fight with the halflings in this area. Right now, the dwarves have ceased their conflict with the halflings while a civil war occurs. Two factions, the Footstomps and the Hammerbends, are fighting for control of the entire area. The Footstomps originally led the area with an iron fist. They kept the dwarves steeped in mountain dwarf tradition. The Hammerbends believe that hill dwarven culture should follow its own heart, not the ancient ways of the mountain dwarves. Very few magic users are among the ranks of the Hammerbends, which is why they have not taken control of the area.
   The halflings wanted no part in war. A society mixed with tallfellows and normal halflings; they wanted a peaceful solution. The Halves, as they are called, were attacked by the dwarves over stream and water rights. The Halves responded in force, the only thing keeping the superior troops of the dwarves at bay is the Halves magic.
Dead Wood
   The Dead Wood is home of one of the most feared groups in the district, the Corpsewalkers. Literally, an army of people of various races that practice necromancy. Ruled by a lich, named Resho, they scour the area for riches and knowledge. Why the Corspewalkers have not raided on the Silver Hills is unknown.
   One thing known is that the orcs are afraid to go near the Dead Wood. A large number of undead orcs in the ranks of the Corpsewalkers are the result of previous excursions into the wood.
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