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The houses are associated together in a guild-like status. Each member is inducted into the family, the more blood of the original family, the more status one has. Often, members of each house can recite their lineage for hundreds of years or more.    Strangely, humans allow other races to join their ranks. While these people may never lead the house, the can retain power depending on the member that "adopted" them into the family. If a member adopts one with a large blood connection to the founder of the house, that person is accorded quite a bit of respect.    While there are a little over a score of families in the Lomantaign Empire, only six hold major power in the Kershak District. The six families are the Calis, Dersh, Heros, Jerigan, Merliks, and Xothc. Other families are known to have influential members in this district, yet none hold considerable power to be recognized as part of the Kershak District. Each House has a family symbol, which is placed somewhere on formal clothing of members. If a member has a significant rank, he or she might also gain a personal symbol to go opposite of the House standard. House Calis   House Calis ('ka-lis) became a noble house three hundred years ago, when its progenitor Logoth Resl Calis earned a hero status. Logoth was a miner, who defeated an adult red dragon attempting to stop the mining of its gold.    As such, House Calis has dedicated itself to Logoth's quest. They are strictly miners and dragon slayers. It must be noted that there is more of the former than latter. House Calis holds the secrets to many mining machines and techniques, conceived by gnomish members of their House.    The major members in Kershak District are Baron Larok Calis, Vrosk Calis, and Norean Tell Calis. Baron Larok Calis runs the Golden Keep and makes sure the gold reaches Halisham safely. Larok is a high ranking hill dwarf with a sharp temper. He has caused numerous fights with others just because he did not like the way he was looked upon.    Vrosk Calis runs the operation of the Silver Seed. Vrosk is an enigma, a beautiful woman with refined tastes constantly dragging herself through mines. Where some high born women would reject the idea outright; Vrosk prides herself in her abilities as the mine manager.    Norean Tell Calis is an obstinate, troublesome human male. From his nomination as manager of the Kershak Gold Mine, he has caused trouble. Norean wants power in all its forms. Not realizing the sheer amount of responsibility the gold mine holds, he has slacked in quotas and deadlines. Norean has the possibility of becoming exiled from the House.    House Calis' symbol is a gold chain on a field of black. Garl Glittergold is the patron god of House Calis. House Dersh   House Dersh (dirsh) was born from Leonard Dersh, the first ruler of the Lemontaign Empire. Carving the empire out of nothing but roving bands of humans, he struggled for years. Leonard used his political machinations and sheer power as a warrior to bring peace to the tribes of Lemontaign Valley. The members of House Dersh have sworn to the same, dedicating themselves to negotiation and martial abilities.    Duke Reginshal III, a human male of pronounced age, is the first Dersh member that comes to mind when discussing the Kershak District. While his father and grandmother ruled over Halisham, Reginshal III has had numerous dangers facing his rule. The orcs to the south and the troubles with the Silver Hills continually threaten the district's trade. Without stability, the Kershak District could fall into hell and the Dersh line of rulership could end.    Duke Reginshal III's daughter, Melisha, is the rightful heir to the District. A joyous person with a good heart, she seems to be the heart of the District. Many people have sought her hand in marriage, knowing full well that with her dowry comes the throne. At current, Melisha has decided to become a pupil of Pelor, god of the sun, rather then marry.    House Dersh's symbol is a balance scale on a red and gold checkered field. Heironeous is the patron god of House Dersh. House Heros   House Heros ('her-os) has a unique origin. A dragon, by the same name, founded the house after rescuing a group of humans from a beholder. The dragon entrusted the humans to learn all possible and defeat aberrations of all kinds. The House felt that this was to be considered a life debt. House Heros became seekers of knowledge and destroyers of abberant creatures.    Quicknife is one the best known Heros members. Rumors have stated that he is personally responsible for killing, an aboleth, two beholders, and six mind flayers. Quicknife takes the dragon's task personally, often surprising other members of his House to the extents he will go.    Baron Ler Heros is also a well-known member. Dedicating himself to learning the all that is possible of the arts; he set up Vorst as an artist community. Members of his immediate family have each mastered a particular trade.    Lastly, Weljurs Heros has dedicated her life to mastering the art of magic. As master of Dragontome, she instructs her students that knowledge is the key to all magic. Weljurs has also taken up archeology and is preparing herself for an excursion into the Kerinth Forest.    House Heros' symbol is a bronze dragon reading a tome on a bar dexter of red. Vechna is the patron god of House Heros. House Jerigan   House Jerigan (ger-'e-gan) was founded by Kelsh Har Jerigan. Kelsh was a woman with a renowned ability as a bard. Her music calmed the riot of Greyhome and saved countless lives in an unnecessary war. The members of House Jerigan have claimed themselves to the bardic path and diplomacy. While members are encouraged to be bards, other occupations are welcome, as long as one collect stories and information.    The most notable members of House Jerigan are Baron Slamil Jerigan, Telsh Iury Jerigan, and Notepath. Baron Slamil Jerigan is the current ruler of Dorth. As a halfling with a wide girth, Baron Slamil has retired from the bardic tradition to settle the conflict in that region. Many doubt that he can do so, feeling that his stomach has always ruled over his mind.    Telsh Iury Jerigan is a renowned rogue that tricks individuals. Teaching lessons of wisdom through trickery, she has made many an enemy and friend. Wise people respect her for her lessons; foolish people condemn her for a simple thief. Either way, Telsh Iury made an imprint on the district with her pranks.    Notepath, an elven woman with raven hair, has been around for over one hundred years. For seventy-five of those years she has learned the path of the bard. She explores hard traveled roads to find new legends and stories to tell everyone. Notepath is known for her harping ability and rivals the best in any race.    House Jerigan's symbol is a silver flute producing gold notes on a field of black. The patron god of House Jerigan is Fharlanghn. House Merliks   House Merliks (mer-'likz), once one of the highest Houses, has fallen to a lowly status. The Noble War threatened to destroy the House after they fell from favor of the king. Serth Merliks, a farmer who provided needed food to the young empire, founded House Merliks. The House prided itself on its ability to farm and trade foodstuffs of all types. The members of House Merliks have claimed that it is only a temporary downfall. By removing the current leader and installing a younger, more aggressive one, they hope to turn their downtrodden status.    The notable members of House Merliks are Baron Grosh Merliks, Kelli Jer, and Ploughhand. Baron Grosh Merliks is the current ruler of Galista, the gateway to the Kershak District. Grosh knows the appointment was only a scrap from the table, as nothing truly interesting ever occurs in Galista. Baron Grosh has been seen having private dinners with unknown people and rumors abound.    Kelli Jer is the woman responsible for the food cultivation for Halisham. Despite the problems caused by the Noble War, Kelli Jer seems to use all her energy towards making sure people get fed. She is one of the most influential members of her house, which makes many wonder why she stays in the position she holds.    Ploughhand is the District boat owner. He holds the titles for all fishing vessels on the Kershak River. His expansion into the fishmonger trade has brought large quantities of coin into the House coffers. Ploughhand's fish are traded throughout the empire and to the other races as well. His pickled trout is a known delicacy and can only be purchased through his House.    House Merliks' symbol is a plough stained black on a field of green and yellow. The patron god of House Merliks is Obad-Hai. House Xothc   House Xothc ('zoth-ik) is one of the rare noble houses that has kept its secrets intact. The little information released by the house is the name of its founder, Xothc Soulbreaker. History tells us that she was the first Seargent of Arms of the Lomantaign Empire, responsible for the safety of the young kingdom. Xothc goals are a complete mystery and many scholars are willing to pay top coin for the information.    There are only two notable Xothc members in the Kershak District: Farren Drorth Xothc and Hellplague. Farren Drorth leads the watch on the border of the Orc Territory. A half-orc with a pension for disembowelment, he has sworn vengeance for the rape of his mother that produced him. Farren Drorth has reclaimed more than a few acres from the orc tribes, something no one has ever accomplished.    Hellplague is Seargent of Arms for the Gold Keep. A woman with only one eye, she is responsible for the Golden Path's safety. Hellplague's zeal for her job is the inspiration of the Golden Guard. Her name was given to her after she wiped out a tribe of gnolls trying to stop the gold trade four years ago.    House Xothc's symbol is charging lion bearing a crystal sword on a green and blue field. The patron god of House Xothc is unknown. |