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Name: Kitana

Player: Vanessa

Caste: Twilight

Nature: Caregiver

Anima: White Dragon with Blue Eyes

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion: 2, Conviction: 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Abilities: *Brawl 3, *Endurance 1, Performance 1, *Presence 2, Survival 1, *Crafts 3, *Investigation 1, *Lore 3, *Medicine 1, *Occult 3, Awareness 1, *Dodge 3, Larceny 1, Stealth 1, *Linguistics (Forest-tongue, High Realm, Old Realm, Native: Skytongue) 3, Ride 2

Backgrounds: Artifact 2 (Orichalcum Hearthstone Necklace, "Sun's Fist" Orichalcum Smashfist), Familiar 1 (Owl), Manse (Gem of Nightvision), Resources 3

Charms: Armored Scout's Invigoration, Body Mending Technique, Crafty Observation Method, Ferocious Jab, Fist of Iron Technique, Flawless Diagnosis Technique, Flawless Handiwork Method, Integrity-Protecting Prana, Object-Strengthening Touch, Ox Body Technique, Reed in the Wind, Shattering Grasp, Ten Magistrate Eyes,

Attack: 9 with "Sun's Fist" Damage: 7L with "Sun's Fist"

Dodge Total: 5 Soak: 6B/4L with Buff Jacket

Willpower: 7 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 3

Personal Essence: 16 Peripheral Essence: 37 Committed Essence: 5

Other Notes: Kitana was raised among the nobles of Diamond Hearth. She learned of ancient lore and treasures gained from the ruins nearby. It was studying one of these items and having an intellectual debate of its significance that drew her Second Breath.

   She ran south, eventually coming to the Organization. There she was placed on two suicide missions, in which she realized that the Organization was trying to kill the Solars. She was the only one to escape the slaughter of Julep Home, where her associates made their tragic end.

   To escape their clutches, she eventually shipped herself to the West, where the new campaign begins....

A * denotes favored or Caste ability!

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