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LoganName: Logan Player: Kurt Caste: Zenith Nature: Survivor Anima: Sabretooth Tiger Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 1, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Virtues: Compassion: 1, Conviction: 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2 Abilities: *Martial Arts 5, *Endurance 3, *Performance 2, *Presence 0, *Resistance 2, *Survival 2, Investigation 1, Lore 1, *Medicine 1, *Occult 1, *Athletics 4, Awareness 2, *Dodge 5, Larceny 1, Stealth 2, Linquistics 0 (Native: Flametongue), Ride 1 Backgrounds: Artifact 3 ("Tiger's Pride" Orichalcum Razor Claws, "Mikba's Curse" Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers), Manse 3 (Stone of the Revolutionary Dog), Resources 2 Charms: Body Mending Technique, Celestial Tiger Hide, Crimson Leaping Cat Technique, Flow Like Blood, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Raging Tiger Pounce, Reed in the Wind, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion, Shadow Over Water, Spine Shattering Bite, Striking Fury Claws Attack, Ten Magistrate Eyes, Tiger Form Comboes: Fury of the Sabretooth Prana (Combo that has Striking Fury Claws Attack, Raging Tiger Pounce, and Spine Shattering Bite) Attack:10 with "Tiger's Pride" Damage: 10L with ("Tiger's Pride", Orichalcum bracers) Dodge Total: 6 Soak: 4B/2L Willpower: 6 Health Levels: -0/-0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap Essence: 4 Personal Essence: 18 Peripheral Essence: 43 Committed Essence: 6 Virtue Flaw: Deliberate Cruelty Other Notes: Logan was trained with a mercenary group in Gem. He learned to exceed his masters in the martial arts and soon was his own master. He studied the movements of cats to master the art of the Tiger. Logan became Exalted during a battle with some raiding barbarians and has never been the same. After being booted from the mercenary group, he took work as an assassin. He will only kill those that live unjust lives, such as abusive husbands and fathers. Logan has never failed in a mission. Sorcha and Logan wre hired to kill a spirit, named Justifious, who worked for the Paragon. After helping Jakar Natoff, Alucard, Two-Rings Frodig, and Sorcha retrieve a ring and two books from the Paragon, they left for a safer locale. He was in Chiaroscuro, trying to come up with some resources. Logan fell in the titantic battle at Hennel's Ford, in a battle with three Sidereal Exalted. He joined his friends Alucard, Two-Rings, and Mashimoto, who also passed in the fight. To read the background story created by Kurt, click here. |