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Blessings of Luna

Name: Blessings of Luna

Player: NPC

Caste: No Moon

Nature: Caregiver

Face/Rank: Murr-ya / 7

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 6, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4, *Perception 5, *Intelligence 6, *Wits 5

Virtues: Compassion: 6, Conviction 5, Temperance 3, Valor 3

Renown: Succor: 100, Mettle: 85, Cunning 60, Glory: 5

Abilities: Athletics 5, Awareness (Ambushes +2, Scent +1), Brawl 3, Dodge (Wyld Hunters +2, Other Exalted +1) 5, Endurance (Running +2, Staying Up +1) 5, Resistance (Disease +1, Poison +2) 6, *Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Barbarian Tribes (Bear, Elk, Mammoth, Seal, and Walrus), High Realm, Low Realm, River-tongue, Skytongue) 6, Presence (Other Exalted +2) 4, Socialize 5, Stealth 3, *Survival (Food +2, Shelter +1), Bureaucracy 2, Investigation 3, *Lore (First Age +2, Lunars +1), *Medicine (Treating Others +3), *Occult (Spells +2, Spirits +1)

Backgrounds: Allies (Blessings of Luna holds many friends among other Lunars due to her healing abilities) 5, Artifacts (Black Jade Collar of Dragon's Cleansing Fire, Moonsilver Hearthstone Necklace, Orichalcum Wedding Band) 3, Backing (Guild) 2, Familiar ("Noglai" a squirrel with a tendency to chatter incessantly) 3, Followers (Bear Barbarian Tribe) 5, Heart's Blood (Almost every land and air animal of the North, various animals of other areas) N/A, Manse (Stone of Judgment) 3

Charms: Bear Sleep Technique, Beast Instinct Method, Bending Before the Storm, Bowing Reed Technique, Bruise-Relief Technique, Celestial Circle Sorcery, Disease-Purging Essence, Emotion-Revealing Scent, Ever-Wary Fox Technique, Finding the Spirit's Shape (Black Bear), Food-Scenting Method, Form-Fixing Method, Halting the Scarlet Flow, Heightened Smell and Taste Method, Hide of the Cunning Hunter, Infection-Resisting Method, Lick Wound, Lore-Speaking Method, Many-Faced Moon Transformation, Masking the Brilliant Form, Moonsilver-Scenting Sense, Moonsilver Shaping Rite, Mother's Touch, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Resisting the Lure of Madness, Sealskin Endurance, Sense-Sharpening Change, Shaping the Ideal Form, Spirit-Scenting Technique, Stealthy Fox Method, Tattoo-Cutting Wisdom, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Truth-Scenting Method, Towering Beast Form, Unerring Den-Finding Sense, Unerring Earth Direction Sense, Unmoving Bear Defense, Water-Providing Technique, Wolf Endurance Method, Wyld-Sensing Instincts

Comboes: Luna's Blessed Touch (Bruise-Relief Technique and Halting the Scarlet Flow), Unearthly Sense of the Hunted Fox (Sense-Sharpening Change and Ever-Wary Fox Technique), Ultimate Survivor's Intuition (Beast Instinct Method, Food-Scenting Method, Unerring Den-Finding Sense, and Water-Providing Technique), Word and Attitude Scenting Method (Emotion-Revealing Scent and Truth-Scent Method)

Sorceries: Blessings of Luna has any number of sorceries you feel appropriate, but should include the following: Emerald Countermagic, Flight of Seperation, Infallible Messenger, Sapphire Countermagic, Sprouting Shackles of Doom, Summon the Army of the Wild, Summoning of the Harvest, Travel Without Distance, and Voices of Distant Regard. Blessings of Luna does not know any combat sorceries, she abhors combat in any form.

Attack:Blessings will not attack Damage: Blessings will not attack

Dodge Total: 8/10 against Wyld Hunters Soak: 8B, 4L with Black Jade Collar of Dragon's Cleansing Light

Willpower: 10 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 6

Personal Essence: 26 Peripheral Essence: 64 Committed Essence: 8

Other Notes: Blessings of Luna has existed for centuries. She remembers the glories of the First Age, especially in her torpor. At the height of the Realm, she was a young healer and mystic, who would travel the Realm to learn and aid in healing and infertility. She was married during that time, but unlike many Lunars, who lived in that Age, her mate died of natural causes.

   When the Usurpation came, Blessings of Luna was not on the front line. Nor was she aiding either the Solars or Usurpers during the bloody battles. Viewing it as a tragedy, Blessings fled to the North where she hid herself away from the destructive battles and eldritch magic happening at that time. The sheer number of deaths caused by the wars and Contagion that followed nearly drove her mad. She went into the Wyld and eventually found others of her kind hiding there as well.

   Blessings of Luna was one of the elders that constructed the ways of tattooing to hold the castes strong as the Wyld warped their very beings. She aided those lost to the madness as best she could, often watching as friends and enemies alike were taken by the twisted forces of chaos. When she emerged from the Wyld, Blessings took her current name and set forth to aid what was left of humanity.

   Traveling throughout Creation, she sought other Lunars who had not yet been set in their Caste. Imparting the tattoos and wisdom set by the tlak of elders, she was one of the strongest forces in rebuilding what was left of Lunar society. Far too often, she found only chimera left of the strong shapeshifters she once knew. Not having the heart or strength to destroy these pitiful creatures, she often left them in their suffering. It was during these years that she vowed to aid those who would ask for it with words and not weapons.

   In the past hundred years, Blessings of Luna has set herself up as the ruler of one tribe of Bear Icewalkers. She did not conquer the people in any way; she came forth with wise rulings and truth on her lips, which endeared her people to her. Even today, her people are usually well nourished and intelligent for an Icewalker tribe. Many other Bear tribes often come each Summer to find a mate in Blessing's tribe, who usually go on to lead others.

   Blessings has made arrangements with Bear, the Animal Master, to grant him chimerage with her tribe as well as others. After witnessing more then her fair share of Wyld Hunts, she understands the need to downplay her roll in the Tribe of the Bear. Her tribe does not know her true abilities, seeing her as an ancient ancestor who came to aid in a sore time of need. Despite her low profile, many tribes have commented on the Bear Witch and her ability to heal all that ask.

   Blessings cannot abide violence against another human, Exalted or not. While she understands the killing of animals for sustenance, shelter, and useful tools as a part of nature, the active wanton destruction caused by humans aggravates her to no end. Any Exalt or mortal who approaches cannot bear or wield a weapon in her presence. If they do so, she will leave them and their request to the wind, for that is all the honor they deserve.

   In this way, she has lost many powerful artifacts from ritual combat with other Lunars, who the youngest see her as a pacifist. While they do not say this to her face, which would jeopardize any chance of healing from Blessings, they do taunt her behind her back. Many young Lunars challenge her to gain "easy renown" only to be outwitted by Blessings. She holds a number of favors and blood debts from various Lunars, including one from Ma-Ha-Suchi. Blessings rarely needs to use them, but if serious consequences threaten her children, she will not hesitate to call them in. She has not yet done so for the sheer fact that whatever Lunar she does call for aid would more than likely kill whoever threatened her and her children.

   The older Lunars in society see Blessings as an icon of succor and kinship. Some of them still tell the stories of Blessings appearing after the chaos, to tattoo their bodies with the gift of Luna. It is for this that Blessing wishes to be remembered. It still galls her that if it wasn't for her view on killing of others she would have attained the highest ranks in Lunar society. Still, she keeps her views on that to herself and often holds tlaks for the younger Lunars of the North to award them status.

   While it does not occur often, some young Lunars choose to study under Blessings to learn the ways of sorcery and survival. During these times, a pupil must vow to bear no weapon or kill another, except when feeding or hunting. She tries her best to instill upon these young her views of the Silver Pact, which go against the views of many of her fellow ancient Lunars. Currently, she is training Graves Wind, a Changing Moon she liberated from the nearby shadowland ruled by the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible. The Bishop is aware of Blessings, but feels she is nothing but an annoyance.

   Blessings tribe has been decimated a number of times in raids by other Icewalker Tribes. She has taught her children the same ethics she holds dear, and are considered easy prey to other starving barbarians. In the event of a massacre, Blessings does what she has always done: grieve for the fallen and begin again to teach others that life is sacred.

   If forced into combat, Blessings will not attack whatsoever. She has no offensive Charms or Sorceries to speak of, of which she prides herself on. She will use defensive Charms, magic such as the Sprouting Shackles of Doom, or flee to escape open conflict. Blessings has a sharp memory for her age and remembers those who come against her.

   Blessings of Luna appears as a withered old woman with a flock of gray hair that runs down her back, tied with a strap of leather in three places. She has tattoos covering her body and her Tell is the bear like ears, which she hides with her Charms. Since she does not have Deadly Beastman Transformation, it is almost impossible to tell what she is by sight. She often walks with a thick oak cane, to make others believe that she is enfeebled.

A * denotes favored ability or Caste attribute!

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