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Nascent WhisperName: Nascent Whisper Player: NPC Caste: Changing Moon Nature: Thrillseeker Anima: Rat Face: Uf-ya (Rank 4) Attributes: Strength 2/4, Dexterity 5/8, Stamina 5/7, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 3 Abilities: *Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Dode 4, Endurance 2, *Melee (Daiklaive +2) 5, Resistance 3, Thrown 1, Larceny 1, Linquistics (Native; Flametongue; Old Realm, High Realm, Riverspeak) 3, *Presence 3, Ride 2, Socialize 2, *Stealth 5, *Survival 3, Investigation 3 Backgrounds: Artifacts ("Savage Tongue" Short Moonsilver Daiklaive, "Token of Surviving" Moonsilver Breastplate) 2, Contacts 3, Heart's Blood 4, Resources 2 Charms: Beast Instinct Method, Bowing Reed Technique, Bruise-Relief Technique, Deadly Beast Transformation (Besital Reflexes, Horrifying Might), Deadly Beast Transformation (Rugged Hide), Finding the Spirit's Shape (Rat), Foe-Driving Method, Halting the Scarley Flow, Hide of the Cunning Hunter, Humble Mouse Shape, Masking the Brilliant Form, Ox Body Technique, Rat Head Technique, Sense-Sharpening Change, Shaping the Ideal Form, Striking Mospid Method, Twisting Surprise Attack, Water-Providing Technique Combos: Insidious Death-Defying Prana (Foe-Driving Method, Twisting Surprise Attack), Luna's Blessed Touch (Bruise-Relief Technique and Halting the Scarlet Flow) Attack: 16/19 with "Savage Tongue" Damage: 6/8L with "Savage Tongue" Dodge Total: 9/12 Soak: 9B/8L, 13B/15L (Rugged Hide and "Token of Surviving") Willpower: 8 Health Levels:-0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap Essence: 4 Personal Essence: 20 Peripheral Essence: 64 Committed Essence: 5 Other Notes: Nascent Whisper is one of the Djala people, the hairless dwarves with panda spots from the South. In hybrid form and animal shape his Tell reveals the dark panda like spots on every shape he takes. He conceals them and his tattoos at all times when trying to conceal his identity. Nascent Whisper is one of the Lunar spies in the cities of the South. He excels at what he does, which is blend in with his environment. He is mostly found around the fertile crescent of the South (The Lap, Paragon, Chiaroscuro, and the Varang City-States) depending on his assignment from the Lunar elders. He often works with Ten Stripes, the Lunar who rules the Banyon Kingdom, in exchange for knowledge and training on the Old Ways. Nascent is cocky in every way. He knows his skills in combat and stealth, and knows few can challenge him in single combat. He has risen quickly in Lunar society, despite his age, due to his prowess. He won his daiklaive in combat with an older Lunar, Remembered Hate, who works for Raksi. Remembered Hate is still trying to find a way to take back what she feels it rightfully hers. The Lunar does not fear combat, in fact he revels in it. He often tries to fill the most difficult foe first just to intimidate any opponents that might be left. The only thing that can cower him is a being that is older and more powerful, which is a rare thing in his mind. |