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Name: Reinhardt

Player: Bel

Caste: Zenith

Nature: Survivor

Anima: Penquin

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4, Charisma 5, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1, Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 4

Abilities: *Melee 5, *Endurance 3, *Performace 2, *Presence 2, *Resistance 2, *Survival 3, *Investigation 2, *Lore 2, Medicine 2, *Athletics 3, *Awareness 2, Stealth 2, Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics (Guildspeak, Skytongue) 1, Ride 1, Sail 1, Socialize 1

Backgrounds:Artifact 4 ("Skull Hater" Blue Jade Grimhammer, "Saturn's Dimmed Eyes" Starmetal Breastplate), Dreaming 3, Manse 3 (The Death Speech Stone)

Charms: Body Mending Meditation, Call the Blade, Dipping Swallow Defense, Excellent Strike, Golden Essence Block, Greivous Injury Recovery Method, Hardship-Surviving Mendicant Spirit, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Retrieve the Fallen Weapon, Sensory Acuity Prana, Summoning the Loyal Steel, Ten Magistrates Eyes,

Attack: 8 with "Skull Hater" Damage: 18L with "Skull Hater"

Dodge Total: 3 Soak: 8B/8L with "Saturns's Dimmed Eyes"

Willpower: 9 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 3

Personal Essence: 18 Peripheral Essence: 44 Committed Essence: 22

Other Notes: Reinhardt, the son of a chief, was the negotiator with the Guild for the Whitesea Penguin Tribe of icewalkers. He gained his second breath after nearly freezing to death in the infamous frozen fog of the North. His tribe disowned him after Penguin came forward to denounce him. Penguin wanted the tribe to continue to worship him, instead of the old ways he knew Reinhardt would eventually teach.

   Alone, except for the Unconquered Sun, he found his way to the North near Whitewall. This is where the Organization found him. They brought him in to train him and the others as their assassins, which was not known to Reinhardt and his associates. Reinhardt's life was quickly snuffed out by Master Stone Peony Palm at the Immaculate temple of Julep's Home. His friends Fett and Silo joined him in death that day.

A * denotes favored or Caste ability!

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