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Name: Sorcha

Player: Kat

Caste: Dawn

Nature: Connivor

Anima: Leopard

Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 2, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Virtues: Compassion: 2, Conviction: 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Abilities: *Archery 0, *Brawl 2, *Martial Arts 1, *Melee 2, *Thrown (Chakram +2) 5, *Endurance 2, *Survival 3, Investigation 1, Lore 2, Medicine 1, *Occult 3, *Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 3, Larceny 2, *Stealth 2, Linguistics (Native: Forest-tongue; Flametongue, Old Realm) 2

Backgrounds: Artifact 3 ("Holdfast Heart" Orichalcum Chain Shirt, Orichalcum Hearthstone Necklace), Familiar 3 (Leopard), Manse 3 (The Freedom Stone), Resources 2 1/2

Charms: Body Mending Technique, Cascade of Cutting Terror (Chakram), Friendship with Animals Approach, Golden Essence Block, Joint-Wounding Attack, Ox Body Technique, Ox Body Technique, Precision of the Striking Raptor, Reed in the Wind, Spirit Detecting Glance, Triple-Distance Attack Technique

Combos: Wounding-Terror Attack Prana (combo with Joint-Wounding Attack and Cascade of Cutting Terror, not a pretty combo when on the recieving end...)

Attack: 12 with chakrams Damage: 5L with chakrams

Dodge Total: 8 Soak: 9B/6L with "Holdfast Heart"

Willpower: 5 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Essence: 3

Personal Essence: 14 Peripheral Essence: 35 Committed Essence: 4

Virtue Flaw: Foolhardy Contempt

Other Notes: Sorcha comes from Chanta, the tree city. An enemy of the Linowan, Sorcha has killed many of their group duting their attempts to cut the great trees. Sorcha gave up defending the trees to move away from the growing concern of her tribe folk and Dragon Blooded in the area. She went South and ended up in Gem, working as an assassin.

   Sorcha and Logan wre hired to kill a spirit, named Justifious, who worked for the Paragon. After helping Jakar Natoff, Alucard, Two-Rings Frodig, and Logan retrieve a ring and two books from the Paragon, they left for a safer locale. She is with them in the city of Chiaroscuro, currently resting from a bout with the Bloody Cough.

A * denotes favored or Caste ability!

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