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TorgathName: Torgath Player: NPC Aspect: Fire Nature: Scholar House: Outcast Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 Virtues: Compassion: 3, Conviction: 3, Temperance 5, Valor 1 Abilities: Linguistics (Native: High Realm; Old Realm, Riverspeak) 2, *Lore 3, *Occult (Terrestial Circle Spells +2) 4, Stealth 1, Thrown 2, Awareness 2, Endurance 1, *Athletics 0, *Dodge 2, *Melee 1, *Presence 0, *Socialize 1, Larceny 2, Medicine 1, *Performance (Lute +3) 4, Ride 2, Survival (Finding Food +1) 1 Backgrounds: Allies 2, Artifacts 2 ("Nicklebacked Throw" Red Jade Goreknife), Connections (The Guild) 3, Connections (The Threashold) 2, Resouces 3 Charms: Memorable Performance Technique, Ox Body Technique, Seeking Throw Technique, Spirit-Detecting Mirror Technique, Talented Improvisation, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery Soceries: Demon of the First Circle, Emerald Countermagic, Flying Guillotine, Shedding the Serpent's Skin, Sting of the Ice Hornet Attack: 6 with masterwork throwing knives Damage: 5L with masterwork throwing knives Dodge Total: 5 Soak: 2B, 1L Willpower: 7 Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incap Essence: 3 Personal Essence: 10 Peripheral Essence: 27 Committed Essence: 0 Other Notes:Torgath is the worse embarrassment to his noble family. He cares little for wealth, power, or honor towards his house. Torgath loves books and playing his lute. All he wants in the world is a few rare tombs that he can read and ponder over while writing love sonnets and haikus. Needless to say, Torgath was removed from his house and his name stricken from all records. He is considered one of the biggest embarrassments to the House, which has been used against them many a time. The only reason why they do not kill Torgath and end the shame is his skill in sorcery. Torgath has studied far and wide to learn the great art. He has amassed some power in this circle and has sent messages to his family and enemies in the form of demons. Torgath absolutely detests fighting. In stead of throwing himself in the thick of combat, he will throw spells only if he feels he is facing a serious threat. Torgath will always have a way to escape and will save his energy for one last spell to save himself if needed. Torgath was coerced, rather forcibly, into joining the Wyld Hunt by V'neef Salamer. Salamer recognized the talents within Torgath and viewed him as a potential resource that Torgath's house had thrown away. While the two started off shaky, Torgath has come to admire V'neef Salamer as a friend and brother in arms. While he does not enter combat until absolutely necessary, his spells became invaluable to the Hunt. Torgath grew in power and developed many contacts and allies within the Guild, establishing trade agreements and safe homes in Torgath's estates. Torgath is currently mourning the loss of Jeral Regaro at the hands of a Dawn Caste Solar. While he did fight after seeing her corpse, he feels he must pay her back for all she had given him. He has sworn to defeat the Night Caste that delayed and killed her elemental ally. Torgath is bending all of his resources towards this goal, even to the point of bankruptcy. |