Normal Rants         
          Other Types of Rants

Why do I Hate Microsoft?
By Ecsyle

Squashing OSS
By Panos

Why I hate Microsoft
By emh

Microsoft Fucking With Apple
By Psyjax

Why Free Software?
By Psyjax

Microsoft Always Pulls Through
By Macman

The Real Reason Wintel Boxes are Inferior to Macs
By Jimmy James

A Dip Into the Dark Side
By Psyjax

War Story
By Psyjax

Steve Jobs' Past
By Psyjax

X-Box Live is a Joke
By shiggy

List of why XP sucks!
By Lazygamer

Apple and Microsoft Conspiracy Theory...
By X11

Why You Should Switch to Mac
By Psyjax

Apple is Extremely Successful
By Macman

Get a Mac!
By Psyjax

Mac Speed vs. PC Speed
By Psyjax

Mac OS Interfaces
By Psyjax

PC Losers
By Psyjax

OS X Versus Xpee
By Macman

The Definition of a PC Luser/Windoid
By Macman

Why Mac OS X Rocks
By Psyjax

Get Rid of Windows
By Calum

False Evange: Common Beliefs, Why Mac Sucks
Debunked By Legoboy75

False Evange: Top 10 Reasons the Apple Dock Sucks
Debunked By Macman

False Evange: Why We Hate Macs
Debunked By Darwincore

Letter War: Windows User Who Hates Microsoft
Started By Link Z

Opposing View: Oh Yes, Macs Are Better...
By Jacob S.

False Evange: Reasons Why Mac Sucks
Debunked by Macman

By Macman

Flame: Student Protest Against Macintosh
By Macman


Send us your own computer-related rants. Please inform us that it is a rant so we don't think you're just flaming us.


Disclaimer: PC is a term that is used to describe non-Mac computers, not just Windows computers. There are other PC operating systems that this website has no quarrel with. Unfortunately, this term has been used incorrectly in some of the content here. Unless stated otherwise, please take the term PC to mean Wintel.