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Angels for Grandma

My Grandma's porch was large. There was a swing on it. Always all around the sides there were pots of Graniums. In all shapes and sizes. All spring and summer they stayed on er porch. Just when the first frost ws due she'd bring them inside till the next spring.

The first lesson a country girl learns is rain is a very great comodity. You pray for the rain to come and not to leave.

Helping in the vegetable garden we were in te corn section this day. I smelled fresh cut Cucumbers. My Grandma froze. She had me look around for Cucumbers. There were none near us. She said it was a Copperhead Snake. Since we didn't smell it coming in to follow our footprints back out the way we came. Which we did. As we left te field she explained that it's a Copperhead's warning that you're too close.

One evening as Grandma was setting the table she saw a snake in the back of the silverware drawer. It was too dark to see what kind it was. Indoors she said a Copperhead won't produce a scent to warn you. She got her carving knife and attacked the snake with a vengence. When she emptied the drawer she sat down and cried. For it had been a Black Snake. She said she needed the Black Snakes. She prayed for forgiveness of her mistake.When my Uncle came home she had him put it out on a tree branch.

My Grandma may be gone. She has never been forgotten. I teach still te things she has taught me. I teach my chidren of her. She was an amazing woman.

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