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I found Midnight on Halloween night when I was 13. He was a black male with green eyes. He had a few white hairs under his chin. I had him for 6 years. He was full grown when I found him. So I can't guess his age. He caught a disease called mange. Before we could take him to the vet he disappeared.

Thomasina was a shaggy blackish brown kitten. She was mine. My youngest brother had a pup. The pup was very playfull and loved chasing her. One day he caught her. I got her fast. I know he meant no harm but he hurt her. She got out of my arms and ran away. I found her in a box in my room dead the next morning.

Tiger and his sister were thrown on the street the day they were born. I took them. Fed them every 4 hours with an eye dropper. They got sick. The female died. As it was really late I went to a woman the neighbors called the "Cat Lady". She took one look at the sick kitten and invited me in. She gave me some horse pills. Explained how to chop them up and just give small amounts. It worked he survived. He was also mostly blind. Both eyes had a film over them after that. He was my best friend for 8 years. He got out and was killed by a car.

Tamara Shelties

Free or low cost spay & Neuter

Taylor, Tabbs, and Gracie are 3 cats we have had recently. We placed them with friends of animals and I've been informed each was adopted. Because of a city ordinance we could not keep them.

Max, Furby, and Coffee are the cats we have now. Max is in and out. Furby and Coffee like to stay in. They never want out. Max looks Sylvester minus Tweety. Furby has medium long blackish brown fur. She's a small cat. Coffee is a short haired black cat with amber eyes. Furby has amber eyes too. Max's eyes are green.

harmful flea powder

home=domestic life is precious I believe in angels
For Grandma For Grandma 2 animals
memorial children teens
endangered species petsmurdered pets
my awards my awards 2 Lady Archer's Fantasy Gallery
Halloween MIA/POW My Fantasy Poetry
My F-Keys