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In Memory of Loved Pets

Patches was a neighborhood dog she belonged to no one. All the children took care of her. She was the pet of the kids that couldn't afford them. We found her body on our way to school. She had been cut from throat to stomach. It couldn't have been hard because there was no meaness in her.

Queenie had a heart attack because we had pigeons. We don't know why it happened. Either someone wanted to steal them or kill them. They poured gasoline around the fence and lit it. On 3 sides Queenie was surrounded by flames. The vet could not help her. Her terror was so great she was literally frozen stiff. We had to have her put to sleep. She was a white German Shepherd.

Bandit was a white dog with a raccoon mask around his eyes. He belonged to the people next door to us. We loved him as much as they did. He was found in the yard one morning when the mother went to feed him. He had been beaten to death. My brother had pigeons and the day after Bandit was killed he found everyone with their necks broken, eggs smashed and thrown up against the back door. We feel the same person did this these terrible things.

Blaze was a young beautiful long haired German Shepherd. We bought her to replace Queenie. We only had her 3 weeks and I found her in her doghouse with her head bashed in and a brick beside her with her blood on it. She was not a guard dog just my friend.

My puppy was 5 1/2 months old. I had her with me since she was 4 weeks old. Her name was Sailor Moon. She was killed by anti freeze. someone poisoned her. I miss my best friend.

This Fantastic award came from RUagoodwitch2!!! Thank you!

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