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Animal abuse is not new. It has been going on for so long now I am glad to see that people are finally taking the problem seriously. I have personally had 2 German Shepherd's brutally murdered. I have seen new born baby birds hung. I've just seen to much for too long. I know that anyone who can do these things to animals is capable of doing it to people as well.The laws ought to be more severe.

Odd Socks For Animals!

Wear odd socks in support of animals, and help 100 million pets speak!

The campaign: wear odd socks to support these animal welfare issues:

  • spaying or neutering pets to end the homeless animal problem
  • recognition that animal cruelty is linked to violence to humans

How to participate: just wear mismatched socks whenever you can -- walking the dog, at the gym, in the grocery store, at school.

"But how will people know I'm wearing odd socks to support animals?" Buy a tube of fabric paint and add the words to a t-shirt or jacket or dog leash or hat or gym bag or coffee cup or a button, as an explanation. That will let people know you're not just colorblind, and it'll get more people involved in the campaign, too.

Cool Cats

Snuggles Project PNUMBER
Hugs for 
Homeless Animals PNUMBER #HL990522902


ASPCA e-mail Phone # 212-876-7700

All of the links here will take you to somewhere you can get help or information about animal abuse.

The Cat Network

Twisty Cats Awareness Campaign

Animal Control of Md. 410-887-5961

Humane Society Westminster Md. 410-848-4810

Humane Society Sykesville Md. 410-875-5379

Humane Society of Ellicott City 410-313-2780 or 410-313-2377

This Fantastic award came from RUagoodwitch2!!! Thank you!

   Harmony & Hugs Movement
Hug Graphics

If you'd like a cutie like this go here

                                Love World Peace and Harmony Webring

Love, World Peace, and Harmony

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Pet Action League

North Shore Animal League

Best friends animal sanctuary

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