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This is about Teens

If this is the bleak future most teens of today see ahead and I'm sad to say from watching my youngest child in chat it really is then we have to find a way to instill hope in these young people. Watching the chat yesterday 3 teens comitted suicide. To me it's a warning sign. Especially because all of these young people said they felt unloved. What is wrong with this picture?

When we mention teen violence we think of the shootings in the schools. There is more to it than this. There is harassment. Animal abuse. Gang shootings. All of this is part of the violence teens today are participating in. Then the other teens have to go to school wondering what is going to happen? So what can you tell the youth of today? Honestly if anyone ever wants to talk I am here. I'm willing to listen. I'm neither judge nor jury. Just someone that wants to help.

This month 2 of my daughters online friends have commited suicide. She came to me in tears. Now she believes me when I say that the talk in chat is a cry for help. I hope a teen somewhere reads this. I care. Others do care. Everyone won't judge. I dedicate this page to the 2 teens I do not know. She won't tell. Which is right the familes have enough to deal with.

Missing angels

December's place

Remember The 
Columbine High
In honor of the wounded, lost and families of Littleton Colorado.

Stop The Violence

Maryland Suicide Prevention 410-531-6677

National Suicide HotLine 1-800-422-0009

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