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March Mammals!!

We're on to the elite eight!! The champions from the respective sections have been determined, and now it's time to see if sky is better than sea, or if cats are better than dogs! Who goes onto the final four??

King of the Sky vs. King of the Sea


Length: 30-40"
Weight: 10-14 lbs.
Wingspan: 79-90"
Fun Fact: Occasionally, Eagles plunge into the water while trying to catch a fish. The Eagle cannot fly again until it's out of the water, so it uses it's large wings to swim.
Road to the Elite Eight: Falcon, Raven, Penguin.



Length: Body up to 32' long; up to 18,000 lb.
Weight: 18,000 pounds
Dorsal Fin: 6'
Fun Fact: An orca can swim thirty miles per hour. They are the second largest toothed whale (sperm whale), and belong to the same family as the dolphin.
Road to Elite Eight: Sperm Whale, Squid, Shark.

This is it- The finals of the Sea vs. Sky bracket! Who will walk (swim, fly) away from this matchup? The proud Eagle with it's aerial advantage? Or the Orca and it's tremendous size advantage? We will see!

Check out the other brackets! Rottweiler vs. Tiger, Polar Bear vs. Croc and Wolf vs. Rhino!! Care to weigh in? Send in your vote and let your voice be heard!


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