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March Mammals!!

We're on to the elite eight!! The champions from the respective sections have been determined, and now it's time to see if sky is better than sea, or if cats are better than dogs! Who goes onto the final four??

King of the Mammals vs. King of the Reptiles

Polar Bear

Length: 7-11' long.
Weight: 500-1,500 lbs.
Claw Length: A polar bear's claws are thick and curved. Each can measure more than two inches (5.1 centimeters) long.
Fun Fact: Polar bears may enter into what is referred to as "walking hibernation" where they remain active and continue to hunt and feed, even though some of their metabolic processes may slow (decreased heart rates, respiration, lowered temperatures, etc.). Polar bears depend mostly on their sense of smell to determine the location of prey.
Road to the Elite Eight: Grizzly Bear, Wolverine, Gorilla.



Length: 7-23' long
Weight: Up to 1 ton!
Bite Force: 2000psi+
Fun Fact: Crocodiles can swim long distances and stay underwater for up to five hours. On land they can move up to 80 kph, although only over short distances, as they tire easily.
Road to Elite Eight: Alligator, Poison Dart Frog, King Cobra.

The warm bloods vs. the cold bloods! Hair vs. scales! Who will prove to be the mightier combatant, the larger Polar Bear? Or will it be the tank like Crocodile? Blood temperature enthusiasts everywhere can't wait to find out.

Check out the other brackets! Eagle vs. Orca, Rottweiler vs. Tiger and Wolf vs. Rhino!! Care to weigh in? Send in your vote and let your voice be heard!


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