chapter nine

The next morning Rayna dialed Chris's new number, tapping her foot anxiously as she waited for him to pick up.
" Hello?" He sounded sleepy.
" Hey. What's up?"
" I was eating breakfast." She could tell he smiling.
" It's not that early..Wanna go surfing?"
" Yeh….I haven't gone surfing in a long time."
" Cool. I was thinking we could talk about some stuff.." She bit her lip, waiting for him to reply.
" Yeh…I'd like that."
" Cool. Come over when you're ready."
" Alright. Later.."
" Bye."

As Rayna walked into Aubrey's garage the next night, Sam ran up to her.
" Why'd you tell Rob you didn't want to go out with him?" She demanded, placing her hand on her hip. "I thought you really liked him."
" I do. I did. Whatever." She adverted her eyes, focusing on a poster of Nirvana Aubrey had hung up.
" So what gives?"
" Uh, Chris? You know….my boyfriend? How did you find out about this whole Rob thing anyway? I only talked to him the other night." She set down her base case, flipped it open, and took out her shiny black bass. She began fingering different chords.
" Drew told me. Rob called him last night, and he called me."
Rayne sighed, then looked at Sam and shook her head. " You guys need to get a life."
" Thanks. That's so sweet." She paused. " So, is he going to be here today?"
" He said he would."
" What about Chris?"
" Yup."
" Eh."
" Yup."
" Hey guys!" They looked at Aubrey, who was standing near Sam's drums. " Let's start."

Rayna was in the middle of playing a silverchair song, when she saw Rob come in. He glanced at Chris, then her. He caught her eye and looked away quickly, a blush rising to his cheeks. She sighed into the mic, causing Aubrey to glare at her and start the song over.

After an hour or so of playing, the band put their stuff away and went into Aubrey's house for something to eat. They all grabbed some food, and sat down at Aubrey's large kitchen table. They ate, Aubrey and Sam talking loudly the whole time to fill the silence of Rob, Chris, and Rayna.
" Do you need a ride?" Chris asked Rayna later, tucking a stray piece of her hair behind her ear.
" Yeh."
" K." He grabbed her bass, then waved to everyone with his free hand. " See you guys later!"
" Bye guys." Rayna said, following Chris out the door to his car. He put her bass in the back seat, then went to the driver's side and got in.
" Everything ok?"
" Yeh." She said, looking through the windshield.
" What's up with Rob? I introduced myself to him, but he seemed kinda standoffish."
" He….asked me out yesterday." She looked out the window.
" Oh." He was quiet for a minute, the grinned and looked at her. "Wanna come over? We can..uh…watch a movie."
A slow smile spread over Rayna's face. " Yeh."
" Awesome."

Rob spotted Rayna walking a few feet in front of him the next morning as they approached school. " Hey, Rayna!" He called.
She turned around, and a small smile appeared on her face as she waited for him. Her long blonde hair was dripping from spending the morning surfing. " What's up?"
He shrugged. "How were the waves?"
Her face lit up. "Amazing. Chris wiped out though. He hasn't been in the water for awhile.."
" Oh…That sucks. Hey, are you going to enter that surfing contest? You could win a lot of money.."
" Yeh, I heard about that. I think I will. I need the cash." She maneuvered around a group of kids in the hall, then turned back to him. "Are you coming to practice tonight? We're playing some new stuff I wrote the other night."
" Yeh, I'll be there."
" Cool. I gotta go here." She paused at the intersection the hall. " Later."
" Bye!" Rob continued walking, his spirits lifted. Things had been awkward between then lately, so it'd felt good to have a normal conversation. He reached his classroom and sat down, smiling the whole time..

A few hours later, band members, boyfriends, and other random people filed into Aubrey's garage for practice.
" Hey, hey guys! SHUT UP!!" She was shouting, trying to get everyone settled down. She finally gave up and switched on her mic. " Ok, I have good news." Everyone turned their attention to her. "We're playing in a Battle of the Bands next week!!" She grinned as everyone cheered. "Ok, time to practice.."

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
stories page
