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Disorderly Conduct
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Fasting Info.
The Gym
Skinny Math
Under 100
Popular Diets
Taste Du Jour
Restriction Kitchen
Over The Limit
Message Board

Message Board


Sum Of All Parts

Before posting in the forums please read through the guidelines provided.  We want your time here to be both knowledgeable and supportive. 


You must be registered to post.  We are hoping to keep the number of trolls low by not allowing anon. posts.


When replying to posts made by people who do not already have a "ED", please keep in mind that just by coming to a site like this they probably already have self-esteem or body issues.  Please be kind and gently point them in the right direction, or answer their questions in a manner that would be healthy for them.


We ask that you not post personal pictures  - This is simply a safety issue, and furthermore, we will not criticize your appearance if that is what you are seeking. 


We ask that you not post pictures or links to pictures.  This is not a place to become "triggered" by images of models or other persons suffering/dealing with eating disorders.


We ask that you do not make posts advising others to harm themselves or deceive their loved ones.


Be supportive!  No name calling or flaming.  If you have a personal issue with someone, please take it to e-mail.


No competitive fasts.  I understand the benefits of cleansing fasts, but fasts longer than a few days are not beneficial.  For more information on this please read the fasting section.


Please report all post that contain damaging material, flaming posts, and posts made by "trolls."  These posts will be viewed by a moderator and the appropriate action will be taken. (i.e. deleted and/or ban the user.)  We want our forums to be a safe, comfortable place for all.


 Last, but not least, take care of yourself.  Take your vitamins, seek support in reducing harmful techniques.  The goal is to be alive to enjoy your success.

Now go ahead, have fun, and post, post post!!!! :)  Click on the link below to head to the message boards.

Sum Of All Parts

(coming soon!!)