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Vegan Info.


We made this section for those who practice vegetarianism, or who made be interested in this lifestyle.  There are many reasons for choosing to go "veggie" or "vegan"; one of them is it's a healthy lifestyle, its a good reason for not having to eat foods high in fat, and sometimes as an animal rights issue. 

Here we have tried to give you some information about being vegetarian and what kinds of changes in diet would be made, and to offer some good resources for those already practicing this lifestyle.

In the Recipe Collection we have tried to include some great low-cal/low-fat recipes that are considered vegan.   Please check them out and feel free to e-mail us with any other recipes that you would like to share with the vegan community.

Vegetarian Food Pyramid


pyramid.jpg (44188 bytes)

Vegan Food Pyramid



What is a Vegetarian? "Vegetarianism"  is a blanket term for a variety of diets that exclude meat, poultry, and fish.

There are 3 types of Vegetarians:

  1. The Vegan:  The most healthful diet, only includes foods of plant origin, such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes.

  2. Lacto-vegetarian:  includes these plant foods and also dairy products

  3. Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian:  consumes both dairy and eggs.


Is it healthier to go meatless?

All necessary nutrients, including protein, can be found in plants.  And avoiding meat helps you avoid saturated fats.  One study found that women who eat meat daily have a 50% greater risk of developing heart disease than vegetarian women.

Protein isn't even  an issue for "lacto-ovo vegetarians", who will eat milk and eggs. But vegans, who exclude all animal products, may have to take special care to include all the types of protein they need, as well as other vitamins and minerals. That's especially true for children, teenagers, and pregnant women.

Mixing for Protein

To get the right mix of the essential amino acids, it's important to eat some foods in combination: Beans, split peas, and lentils should be combined with grains, and beans should be combined with nuts. In the past, experts suggested pairing these ingredients in the same meal. While that may be the easiest way to do it, current research suggests that combinations need only be made in the same day.

Here are some examples of nutritionally balanced combinations:

bulletblack beans and rice
bulleta peanut butter sandwich on whole-grain bread
bulletsplit pea soup with whole grain bread
bulletlentil soup and cornbread
bulletsunflower seeds and navy bean soup

The most common mistake vegetarians make is thinking they can depend solely on milk products to make up for what they're not getting from meat. While milk products are excellent sources of protein, they do not supply the needed iron, zinc and other minerals found in meat. Only two to three servings daily of cooked dried beans and peas can do that.

Galvanize Your Diet

Many people, especially women, teenagers, and children, fall short in their requirements for zinc even when they include zinc-rich meat in their diets. So vegetarians need to eat a variety of zinc-rich foods, such as lima beans, wheat germ, nuts, cooked dried beans and peas, and dark green, leafy vegetables every day. Whole grains are also a must, since they supply up to three times more zinc than refined or "enriched" breads and cereals.

Women and children are particularly likely to miss out on the iron they need, even when they eat red meat, which is one of the best sources of iron. To get the iron they need, vegetarians must eat several servings daily of iron-rich legumes, dark green leafy vegetables, and dried fruit.

Balancing Basics

Planning meals remains the same for "lacto-ovo vegetarians" and meat eaters, with the exception being the source of their two to three daily servings from the meat group. "Lacto-ovo vegetarians" should be sure to eat the right amount of cooked dried beans and peas, nuts, and seeds or eggs.

Like meat eaters, vegetarians should avoid filling up on sugars, oils and alcohol, which are high in calories and low in nutrients. And they should bake, broil, or steam rather than cook in oil.

Tips for Vegetarians

bulletIf you're a vegan, drink soymilk that is fortified with calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B-12. Plant foods simply don't have enough calcium. It would take nine cups of cooked chard (but only three cups of cow's milk) to meet the average person's daily calcium requirement.
bulletInclude at least one whole grain and two fruits or vegetables at every meal.
bulletIn salads, replace iceberg lettuce with leaf lettuce or spinach, and top with nuts, low-fat cheese, kidney beans, or winter pears.
bulletAvoid drinking tea or coffee with meals, since compounds called tannins in these beverages inhibit iron absorption by up to 75%. A little coffee or tea between meals is fine, though.
bulletEven people eating a well-balanced diet can benefit from a daily moderate-dose multivitamin that supplies 100% of the recommended daily allowance for a broad range of vitamins and minerals.

Links for Vegetarian/Vegan web sites:

VegSource -- Your Friendly Vegetarian & Vegan Resource!

The Vegetarian Site

Friends Not Food

Welcome to Satya

FAT FREE: The Low Fat Vegetarian Recipe Archive

Living and Raw Foods: Recipes and FAQ

If you have any other good links that you would like added here feel free to e-mail us.