o  l  d     f  a  m  i  l  y
         f   a   r   m   h   o   u   s   e 
                                                                    (  A  r  l  i  n  g  t  o  n  ,    W V  )

 Here's the floor
 plans recreated as
 faithfully as possible
 from sketches and


 The last time I was
 in the house I spent
 hours carefully
 sketching out the
 layout, not
 necessarily measuring
 but taking great
 pains to capture
 relative sizes and
 locations of all the
 rooms, locations of
 windows, doors,
 unique features,

I also took a whole
 roll of
film afterwards,
 inside the house, to
 corroborate my
 sketches, fill in fine
 detail, etc.

 Here are the results
 of that undertaking...

                        g  r  o  u  n  d     f  l  o  o  r


     see these
    floor plans with supporting interior photos

      back to
    Farmhouse - MAIN PAGE


    related pages

      just a chimney!

      a trip to the farm

      Arlington, WV

      old cemetery

      Fidler genealogy

      Fidler's Mill

      Coco Wheats





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