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Song is Never My Love by The Association

ALOHA AWARD - Click here to nominate a site!

Presented to me by Denise Sept 7, 2000
Thanks Denise!

Presented to me by George! "Geo Bear" April 2002! Thanks my friend! Especially for the encouragement and all the kind thoughts you have shared with me! And the compliments! You are awesome!

These were presented to me April 2002 by a special lady and Hart friend Anna aka Coyote Jo! Thanks sweety! I love these honors!

Thanks Patrick! Presented to me April 2002!

Thanks WOSIB! Presented April/May 2002!

Thanks Animals In Distress Program for this award! Presented May 2002! This is a beautiful award! Thank You! I am honored!

Thanks again to my good friend Anna ~ Coyote Jo~ for this award! Presented May 2002! This is a beautiful award! Thank You! I am honored!