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Song: Love Me For A Reason. By The Osmonds


From the time I was seven, I have been a fan of this marvelous family. 

I first  became aware of the Osmond Family around about the time I was 5 or so. Back when I watched Andy Williams shows on TV.. primarily the seasonal ones. I was very very young at the time. When I became a fan though, was in early 1971, when they hosted their first variety show. I believe it was on NBC. I recall my parents enjoyed watching them sing in perfect harmony. 


Then when I was around 8 years old, I first fully listened to "The Osmonds" album. On which their debut single "One Bad Apple" was on. As was Don's debut single "Sweet & Innocent"

(Doesn't it seem obvious to you who the star was LOL?)


 Anyway I recall watching their first variety show they hosted in 1971.. which guest starred Tina Cole of My Three Sons (remember Katie?) There was a skit in which Alan tried to be alone with Tina; but the brothers kept popping in and singing and being a nuisance. 


Then there was a skit where they tried to make Don come downstairs... but Don refused to. The cue was for him to perform "Sweet & Innocent". He was bound and determined he was not coming down. They had to coax him down. 


In light of the revelation that Don has suffered in the past from Panic Anxiety Disorder - especially before going onstage, as well as "Social Phobia" I can almost query if that was acting or if Don genuinely wanted to stay offstage & someplace safe.

But Don was a ham.


As a child I remember my father telling me he would give me permission to marry Donny. Of course I died a zillion deaths when he said that.... I was more a Jay nut anyways.... 



Then in the middle part of the year 1971, I went to my cousins' house to hang out one Sunday. I recall that they had this HUGE 6' tall poster of the guys on their bedroom wall (yellow background maybe? hmmmmm) I remember that we played the "OSMONDS" album from start to finish while jumping up & down on their beds "dancing" kind of... like as if we were on a trampoline. It was cool. 


That my dears, was the day I became an official Osmond fan. Strange how that memory is so clear, when others aren't as clear.


Then just about a year later, after daddy had died, I was staying over with my best friend Debbie Lowery (now Willenberg). While mom & I were visiting this family, overnight I caught what was then called "The Hong Kong Flu". I recall being sick forever.. maybe 2 months with it. 


It was cold when I got sick.. but by the time I got better it was spring..  so it was awhile before I felt healthy again. Mom, during this time, moved into the Lowery house... as I was unable to be moved (yep I was pretty sick folks). Anyway, momma bought me "The Osmonds" album, "Phase III", "The Donny Osmond Album" and I think "To You With Love, Donny". This was to help me feel better. I didn't play them for like weeks as I was too ill to enjoy them as I should have.


Then there were the 1972 Royal Command Performances before Queen Elizabeth II, which they performed on that came on tv. Then they had a cartoon on ABC. The animators were the talented duo of Rankin-Bass !  (Donny falls in love each episode) The cartoon's premiere was officially launched on The Brady Bunch show on a Friday night. 

One of the Brady daughters fantasized (Eve Plumb maybe?) that she was Don's girl albeit animated.. What is pretty ironic is about a year later- on "The Lucy Show", Eve Plumb played Lucille Ball's grand daughter or niece or so. In yet another "serenade sequence".


On this episode of Lucille Ball's show, Eve Plumb's character had a crush on Don, and had heard he was in town. She made it clear she wanted to meet Donny. Lucille Ball's character,  Lucille Carmichael along with Gale Gordon's character, Mr. Mooney, somehow brought Don to see Eve's character. Don would serenade her with the song "Puppy Love". Which was his signature song at the time.


Another memory is a LIVE Alice Cooper song. There is a segment of it where Alice queried the fans at the show..."WHO'S GOT THE POWER???" to which the audience yells "WE DO!!!!!!" and then Alice queried  "AND WHO GAVE IT TO YOU????" Now they are supposed to screech "YOU DID" or whatever.  Anyway the audience in a LOUD shout, screams, "DONNY OSMOND!!!" 


Alice stopped the music and said "WHAAAAAAAAAATTTTT???" and everyone applauded. It was actually rather funny. GOOD FOR THEM! Don gives a better show. Alice freaks me out with all the macabre stunts. And snakes.. forget it!


Anyway also yet another memory. I was 11, I used to hang out at a local radio station in Laurinburg, NC(where I hail from) called WLNC. I used to be real close with the then assistant manager of the station who also was their mid morning disc jockey as well as being a former Miss Laurinburg 1974 beauty queen, Elsie Williams


She would invite me down to hang out there to help her pass her time. During a visit, I must undoubtedly have mentioned Don's name to her because she said she had something she wanted me to hear.  She took me into another room there at the station and pulled out a promotional record. She then played an excerpt off the promotional record, you know the kind stations get and play for sound bytes.


Anyway there was this guy on the street asking girls how they would react if Donny were to come up to them and for instance, sang Puppy Love to them. ( on Puppy Love to hear....) 


The guy, I suppose, had a reel to reel with him. Because he then started playing Don's song "Puppy Love". The girls started doing excited shrieks and what sounded like swoons...ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh. It was hilarious. I started imitating it and had everyone in tears, from laughing so hard. Don was definitely THE teen throb of my day. Sure you had Bobby Sherman, Rick Springfield, David Cassidy, Michael Gray among others...but Don lead the pack. That was to be a gift and a curse for him.


For a long long time he was perhaps never taken seriously. He was picked to be the family's star act out front, and I am sure that caused him a lot of angst ridden moments. Girls tearing at him, having to go onstage and perform all the time, even though he suffered from anxiety, being away a lot from familiar things at points in his life when he needed familiarity to get through the stages life throws at young people. I am sure it was no picnic. Thankfully he had a good head on his shoulders as well as his brothers there with him. If not, I am sure the experience would have been far more difficult. I can empathize. I can admire his ability to cope. And the brothers' as well in their own travails.


Then of course, I recall the Bob Hope shows. The Donny & Marie Show. The Osmonds Show. And the Goin' Coconuts movie. (forgettable but cute... his wife Deb was shown at the end of it... I recall seeing it at The Gibson Theater and seeing Deb and saying "that's his wife!") Jim did a movie called "The Great Brain" that was good. Donny & Marie also did Hawaiian Punch commercials as well. (Cute Marie reaaaall cute)





Over the years I have watched the Osmond's kids grow up and become the 2nd Generation of Osmond Family entertainers. Heck I recall when all their parents got married even! And when the majority of them were born!


Merrill Davis Osmond married Mary Carlson in 1973 (I cried a pail of tears). They have six children.

 Alan Ralph Osmond married Suzanne Pinegar in 1974. They have eight sons. The sons are in a band titled the 2nd Generation ! Formerly called The Osmond Boys !


Melvin Wayne Osmond married Kathlyn White (a former Miss Utah) in 1974. They have five children, I believe.

 Donald Clark Osmond married Debra Glenn in 1978.They have five sons!

Jay Wesley Osmond married Kandilyn in 1987. They have four sons.

And James Arthur Osmond married Michelle Larson in 1992.

They have four children, I believe.

Olive Marie Osmond married twice.. to Steven Craig Sr. in 1982. Steven was a pro basketball player who proposed to Marie in the middle of the street. Or so I heard at the time. They had her eldest son, Steven Jr. around 1983. Then they divorced around 1984 or 1985.. and in 1986 she married husband, record producer, Brian Blosil, with whom she has had 6 more children. Four of which she adopted. She and Brian filed for divorce recently!  

I believe older brother Virl married wife Christopher (Chris) in 1972. They have four children, I do believe. 

Tom has married twice. To Lyn in 1972 I believe. Then they divorced sometime in the 80's, and he remarried in 1989. He adopted his second wife's two children. Then the two had two more of their own, I believe.

So yes sir I recall all their highs and lows. Comes from caring about them and loving them for so long.


My best friend in the United Kingdom, Shelley visits The Osmonds in Branson, Mo.. and meets her favorite, Jay!! Mine too sis! Shelley has become a very close friend and of course I am very excited for her!!!! You both mean the world to me!!! The Jay jpg and Jay and Shelley pics are courtesy of my best friend Shelley!

Click above to see my friend Laurie's pics!

Sadly Alan suffers from MS nowadays and doesn't get to do as much anymore. 

Merrill has diabetes. He is a spokesperson for the care of diabetes. As well as speaking up for the plight of abused women! He has recorded a song for Sept. 11 victims.

Wayne has had a life and death battle he has overcome, with a brain tumor that was in his brain for decades, before being found. Another Osmond relative, one of Virl's sons, also suffered a similar brain tumor and survived as well! 

Speaking of.... the two eldest Osmond Bros.., Virl and Tom are also amazing! They are deaf and can be found  here which is based here Their insights are beautiful, tender and uplifting. 


Of the family, I have met Marie. I met Marie in May of 1987 at The Marriott Hotel in Columbia, SC. She was there for the local Happy Birthday Columbia concert held at The Carolina Coliseum. I hate to admit it but the meeting was not very positive. Rather than go into it and cause hurt, I will keep my thoughts and say perhaps the next time I meet her will be better. I have  yet to meet the Brothers. 


Of course there was always for me the heartbreak of not being able to see them LIVE when I was a kid. I recall they were performing in a LIVE show at Carowinds, a theme park, in Charlotte, NC. Around 1972. I couldn't go. Carowinds was 80 miles away. We had no money, no car, no way to get me there. One day I hope to see them in Branson. That would be cool. 


Well for now I'll hush. I have a large cache of memories. I have a larger cache filled with appreciation. They are dear people. And I love them genuinely.





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