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Bret Hart

The Best There Is....Was..Ever Will Be!

One by U2

I have admired Bret since 1992 but have been a fan since 1985! I love Bret as a person.. his values, and what Bret stands for...he and I are so alike! What is so funny is that I can think like Bret! I have predicted his moves so much that once his now assistant but then fan club president , asked who I was talking to on the inside to get info!

Bret was born in 1957. He has wrestled since the mid 70's. . He is the son of a wrestler. He has done pretty much everything that CAN be done in wrestling 30 times over~ yet with class and dignity! If any wrestler can be graded based on respect fans wrestlers, industry and media alone.


His main interests are The Civil War(as is one of my interests!), music, history, art, and more!!!His fave cartoon character last I heard was Bugs Bunny!

He also once wanted to make films! Studying film for a year at Mt Royal Community College! He is a passionate hockey fan! Once an owner of the Calgary Hitmen! WHA team & lives in Calgary, AB, Canada. Has 4 kids; married to wife Julie since the early 1980's.

His main site is at Bret Hart

He in summary , just is a SUPER guy!

I am also a proud member of Kerry's Bret Club. Through this club you recieve photos and wav files and you also are a part of a special bond we as fans have! Please click on my *card* to join hers today!

In memory of Owen James Hart