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Brenda and China!

Song is The Rose By Bette Midler! A special song for a special person!

This page I am constructing is a page made totally out of admiration as well as love. I can never say enough great things about my friend China! Aka Kristie Shrievers! If ever there were prayers heard and answered in heaven then she is the reason! I don't say much about the people close to me in my life as my experiences in life have taught me to cherish and be protective of the friends I have. But I met Kristie online only a short while ago. And in only a short time we just...clicked. I had been grieving the loss of a very phenomenal friend in my life, Sue Brothers. Who passed away in Sept of 1996. Sue had been the first person to show me that love could be pure and innocent and not filthy. For a long time I could not open my self to that many if anybody at all. Kristie showed me I could try.

We met on Inner Dreams dedication chat list. I had posted of my belief in angels and how strongly I believed in them.To overstate my point I shared experiences that had happened in my life. Mostly of the psychic realm. Which is something more people than not laugh, shrug or scoff off. I just knew I would be called a looney toonie and who knows what....when Kris posted she had been through similar . We talked privately by email. And like Sue had balanced me and made me feel sane. Kris did also. She heard my innermost desires as well as found out stuff I would normally have never told a soul. I sensed I could. And this is from someone who can be very leery of strangers!

Well! Before you know it we learned how similar we were and how we could easily empathize with the other. The common denominators were pretty strong. Grew up hillbilly, accents can change on a fly, life experiences, dreams, desires . Stuff only you share with a sister I can share with Kris. Who I am glad is my sister "by heart".

With Kris I am finding courage to try to reach again. I am also learning how guts can have a pretty face as she is an incredibly beautiful woman . She is also like me, a champion for children's safety as well as loves old fashioned things.

The two of us have been there for each other and if anything it has been a beautiful journey. Kris is my beautiful "sister" and has made her own precious impact on my life. She is truly "The Rose"

Touches of us.....