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Below will be websites pertaining to animal cruelty and child abuse..their prevention. Please consider the effects of abuse .. as ANY abuse to ANY living thing can be detrimental. With scars lasting a lifetime.

We Are The World click here to hear it!

Below is the rather tiny angel I have adopted.

My special "sister" in the cause and friend, Kris aka China!

Brenda and China

I shall light a candle for every living thing.

That their lives be free of pain

And that they know the joy that life should be .

That their future shall be assured

And not one of pain.

A candle made of love!

A great lady I met through a cause, Shari made an image to support the cause of protecting our children and below is that image linked to her URL. Please click to it to learn more!

Safe Kids Adopt An Angel Pandora's Box
Secrecy Of Child Sexual Abuse
How To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
What It Is!
Worldwide Legal Info On How To Stop It! American Association Of Child
And Adolescent Psychiatry
ERIC: Early Childhood
Clearing House Of Childhood Education
Impact Of Sexual Abuse on Kids! References and Related Research Crisis Prevention Training For The Love Of Children

Children And Trauma: Positive Steps A Mother's Story
Surviving The Abduction Of A Child
The Ribbons of Hope Website Helping Kids With Disabilities
Kayla Holland's Website National Child Protection ClearingHouse Prevention and The Strengthening of Parenting Skills Join Petition To Stop Guns In Schools
Million Mom March Have A Heart For Animals Animal Welfare Site Up To Date News On Animal Cruelty Prevention & Alerts

Animal Abuse Leads To Child Abuse

Convicted Child Abuser Kills Animals

Poem from a mom who lost her son to violence